KEMENTERIA BuN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI BADAN STANDAR, KURIKULUM, DAN ASESMEN PENDIDIKAN PUSAT PERBUKUAN SMA/SMK/MA KELAS X Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih 2022 BAHASA INGGRISA INGGRIS Work in Progressrogress Hak Cipta pada Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Dilindungi Undang-Undang Disclaimer: Buku ini disiapkan oleh Pemerintah dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan buku pendidikan yang bermutu, murah, dan merata sesuai dengan amanat dalam UU No. 3 Tahun 2017. Buku ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi. Buku ini merupakan dokumen hidup yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbarui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangan yang dialamatkan kepada penulis atau melalui alamat surel diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini. Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis Budi Hermawan Dwi Haryanti Nining Suryaningsih Penelaah Windy Hastasasi Puti Almirsha Hamid Penyelia/Penyelaras Supriyatno Lenny Puspita Ekawaty Nening Daryati Kontributor Yunita Bone Eti Mulyawati Ilustrator M Rizal Abdi Nurman Editor MA. Czarina Gemzon Espiritu Desainer Imee Amiatun Penerbit Pusat Perbukuan Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Kompleks Kemdikbudristek Jalan RS. Fatmawati, Cipete, Jakarta Selatan Cetakan Pertama, 2022 ISBN 978-602-244-896-9 (no.jil.lengkap) ISBN 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) Isi buku ini menggunakan huruf Noto Serif 12/18pt., Steve Matteson xviii, 182 hlm.: 17,6 × 25 cm. Kata Pengantar Pusat Perbukuan; Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan; Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi memiliki tugas dan fungsi mengembangkan buku pendidikan pada satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pendidikan Dasar, dan Pendidikan Menengah. Buku yang dikembangkan saat ini mengacu pada Kurikulum Merdeka, dimana kurikulum ini memberikan keleluasaan bagi satuan/program pendidikan dalam mengembangkan potensi dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik. Pemerintah dalam hal ini Pusat Perbukuan mendukung implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di satuan pendidikan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pendidikan Dasar, dan Pendidikan Menengah dengan mengembangkan Buku Teks Utama. Buku teks utama merupakan salah satu sumber belajar utama untuk digunakan pada satuan pendidikan. Adapun acuan penyusunan buku teks utama adalah Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum dalam rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran yang ditetapkan melalui Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 56/M/2022 Tanggal 10 diFebruari 2022, serta Capaian Pembelajaran pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar, dan Jenjang Pendidikan Menengah pada Kurikulum Merdeka yang ditetapkan melalui Keputusan Kepala Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan Nomor 008/H/KR/2022 Tanggal 15 Februari 2022. Sajian buku dirancang dalam bentuk berbagai aktivitas pembelajaran untuk mencapai kompetensi dalam Capaian Pembelajaran tersebut. Buku ini digunakan pada satuan pendidikan pelaksana implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka. iii Sebagai dokumen hidup, buku ini tentu dapat diperbaiki dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan serta perkembangan keilmuan dan teknologi. Oleh karena itu, saran dan masukan dari para guru, peserta didik, orang tua, dan masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan buku ini di masa yang akan datang. Pada kesempatan ini, Pusat Perbukuan menyampaikan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah terlibat dalam penyusunan buku ini, mulai dari penulis, penelaah, editor, ilustrator, desainer, dan kontributor terkait lainnya. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat khususnya bagi peserta didik dan guru dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran. Jakarta, Juni 2022 Kepala Pusat, Supriyatno NIP 19680405 198812 1 001 iv Preface The COVID-19 pandemic has signiicantly changed almost all aspects of life, including education in general and teaching English in particular. Classes have disruptively been made to move from school rooms to virtual spaces within apps such as Zoom and Google Meet. The disruptive shift in the learning space has brought with it the demand to adapt what we teach and how to teach it. In addition to face the challenges caused by the pandemic, English education and teaching has also been faced with the challenge of equipping students with the knowledge and ability to access, use and interpret texts that use different modes to convey messages. This ability, multimodal literacy, is the literacy that is believed to be of the important features of this century. Multimodal literacy is the literacy our students need to be exposed to and master to participate and contribute to their surroundings. Responding to this challenge, the Ministry of Education,Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, designed and implemented the Kurikulum Merdeka. Part of implementing the curriculum is the provision of learning resources in the form of textbooks that support the achievement of curriculum goals through teaching materials and learning activities that are not only interesting and fun but also equip students with the knowledge and abilities needed today. This English textbook has been designed to help you learn the English you need at present. The materials have been designed to facilitate you to be able to learn, use and produce multimodal texts v in both written and spoken form. The preparation and selection of the materials have been based on the learning objective set in accordance with the Curriculum. We hope you will ind this book functional and helpful for you to be able to appropriately use English to achieve your communicative goals. Bandung, 10 March 2022 Writers vi Table of Content Kata Pengantar .................................................................................. iii Preface ................................................................................................. v Table of Content ................................................................................ vii List of Picture ..................................................................................... ix Scope and Sequence ........................................................................ xii Inside the Book .................................................................................. xv Semester 1 Theme: Sports Chapter 1 Great Athletes .................................................... 3 Instructional Objectives .............................................. 4 Questions to Think About ........................................... 5 Chapter Review .............................................................. 20 Relection ......................................................................... 21 Assessment ...................................................................... 22 Enrichment ..................................................................... 27 Chapter 2 Sports Events ..................................................... 29 Instructional Objectives .............................................. 30 Questions to Think About ........................................... 31 Chapter Review .............................................................. 44 Relection ......................................................................... 45 Assessment ...................................................................... 46 Enrichment ..................................................................... 50 Chapter 3 Sports and Health .............................................. 53 Instructional Objectives .............................................. 54 Questions to Think About ........................................... 55 Chapter Review .............................................................. 71 vii Relection ......................................................................... 72 Assessment ...................................................................... 73 Enrichment ..................................................................... 77 Chapter 4 Healthy Foods .................................................... 79 Instructional Objectives .............................................. 80 Questions to Think About ........................................... 81 Chapter Review .............................................................. 92 Relection ......................................................................... 93 Assessment ...................................................................... 94 Enrichment ..................................................................... 96 Semester 2 Theme: Art Chapter 5 Graiti ................................................................ 103 Instructional Objectives .............................................. 104 Questions to Think About ........................................... 105 Chapter Review .............................................................. 121 Relection ......................................................................... 122 Assessment ...................................................................... 123 Enrichment ..................................................................... 126 Chapter 6 Fractured Stories ............................................... 129 Instructional Objectives .............................................. 130 Questions to Think About ........................................... 131 Chapter Review .............................................................. 146 Relection ......................................................................... 148 Enrichment ..................................................................... 153 Glossary ............................................................................................... 156 References ........................................................................................... 161 Index .................................................................................................... 165 Proil Pelaku Perbukuan ................................................................. 169 viii List of Picture Picture 1.1 Silhouette of a basketball player ............................. 5 Picture 1.2 Anthony Sinisuka Ginting ......................................... 5 Picture 1.3 Aries Susanti Rahayu .................................................. 5 Picture 1.4 Windy Cantika Aisah .................................................. 6 Picture 1.5 Boaz Solossa .................................................................. 6 Picture 1.6 Cristiano Ronaldo ........................................................ 9 Picture 1.7 CR 7 is showing his skill. ............................................ 11 Picture 1.8 Mind map of the traits of a great athlete ............... 22 Picture 1.9 Greysia Polii, one of the Indonesian great athlete. 23 Picture 1.10 Leani Oktila Ratri, one of the paralympic heroes. 27 Picture 2.1 Watching live sports event ........................................ 31 Picture 2.2 Watching sports event at home ............................... 31 Picture 2.3 Five senses ..................................................................... 34 Picture 2.4 Pencak silat .................................................................... 38 Picture 2.5 Rowing ............................................................................ 38 Picture 2.6 Volleyball ....................................................................... 38 Picture 2.7 Wall climbing ................................................................ 38 Picture 2.8 Swimming ...................................................................... 38 Picture 2.9 Running race ................................................................. 38 Picture 2.10 High jump .................................................................... 39 Picture 2.11 Suring .......................................................................... 39 Picture 2.12 Basketball .................................................................... 39 Picture 2.13 Badminton ................................................................... 39 Picture 2.14 Hockey .......................................................................... 39 ix Picture 2.15 Cycling .......................................................................... 39 Picture 2.16 Five senses ................................................................... 39 Picture 2.17 Paralympic games ..................................................... 51 Picture 3.1 Slouching on the couch .............................................. 55 Picture 3.2 Doing exercises ............................................................. 55 Picture 3.3 Working in front of computers ................................ 55 Picture 3.4 Eating healthy food ..................................................... 55 Picture 3.5 Playing games ............................................................... 56 Picture 3.6 Eating junk food ........................................................... 56 Picture 3.7 Brushing her teeth ....................................................... 56 Picture 3.8 Eating junk food ........................................................... 56 Picture 3.9 Eating healthy food ..................................................... 57 Picture 3.10 Sleeping ........................................................................ 57 Picture 3.11 Weighing his/her body ............................................. 57 Picture 3.12 Relaxing........................................................................ 57 Picture 3.13 Doing exercises .......................................................... 57 Picture 3.14 Listening to music ..................................................... 57 Picture 3.15 Tips for taking care of mental health ................... 62 Picture 3.16 Seven healthy habit for weight loss ..................... 63 Picture 3.17 Self­care Bingo ............................................................ 65 Picture 3.18 Board of spinning game ........................................... 67 Picture 3.19 A Screenshot of a twit ............................................... 68 Picture 3.20 A Screenshot of a twit ............................................... 68 Picture 4.1 Aceh Noodles................................................................. 81 Picture 4.2 Crispy Deep­fried Prawn Ulakan ............................. 81 Picture 4.3 Es Pisang Ijo................................................................... 81 Picture 4.4 Cendol .............................................................................. 81 Picture 4.5 Gado-Gado ...................................................................... 82 x Picture 4.6 Tinutuan ......................................................................... 82 Picture 4.7 Rujak ................................................................................ 82 Picture 4.8 Pempek ............................................................................ 82 Picture 4.9 Choosing one of two options ..................................... 88 Picture 4.10 Gallery walk ................................................................ 100 Picture 5.1 Graiti 1 ......................................................................... 106 Picture 5.2 Graiti 2 ......................................................................... 106 Picture 5.3 Graiti 3 ......................................................................... 106 Picture 5.4 Graiti 4 ......................................................................... 106 Picture 5.5 Graiti 5 ......................................................................... 107 Picture 5.6 Graiti is art. ................................................................. 109 Picture 5.7 Graiti is always vandalism. .................................... 111 Picture 5.8 Board game ................................................................... 115 Picture 5.9 Social media status ...................................................... 116 Picture 5.10 Social media status .................................................... 117 Picture 5.11 Writing organizer ...................................................... 119 Picture 5.12 Gritty Graiti Indonesia .......................................... 126 Picture 6.1 Hare race ........................................................................ 131 Picture 6.2 Malin Kundang (A) ...................................................... 132 Picture 6.3 Malin Kundang (B) ...................................................... 132 Picture 6.4 Malin Kundang (C) ....................................................... 132 Picture 6.5 Malin Kundang (D) ...................................................... 132 Picture 6.6 Malin Kundang (E) ....................................................... 132 Picture 6.7 Malin Kundang (F) ....................................................... 132 Picture 6.8 Organization of a story ............................................... 133 Picture 6.9 Red Riding Hood (Traditional version) .................. 135 Picture 6.10 Red Riding Hood (A Fractured Fairy Tale) ......... 137 xi Semester 1 ThemeTopic Listening Speaking ReadingAnd Viewing Writing And Presenting Project Vocabulary Grammar And Structures Sports Great Athletes Listening to description of athletes in a monologue and in conversations Talking about photographs of athletes and the sports they play Reading a text and inding general and speciic information in the text about great athletes Writing a simple descriptive text on a great athlete of their preference A portrait and an essay of great athlete Sports Present simple Describing athletes and the sports they play Physical description Adjectives, Adverbs for describing Sport Events Listening to someone’s experience of a sports event Talking about the experience of watching a sports event using 5 senses Reading a text and inding general and speciic information in the text about experience of watching a sports event Writing a recount text on an experience of watching a sports event using 5 senses Sports event proposal Events, time, and place Adverbs of time Telling a sport event using 5 senses Qualities and Characteristics Past simple, Past progressive Scope and Sequence xii ThemeTopic Listening Speaking ReadingAnd Viewing Writing And Presenting Project Vocabulary Grammar And Structures Sports and Health Listening to a procedure on how different activities can help us stay healthy Talking about suggestions to stay healthy Reading a text and inding general and speciic information in the procedure text how to stay healthy Writing a simple tips on how to stay healthy Poster of health campaign Health Present simple Imperative sentence Giving tips to have physical and mental health. Life style present simple Imperative sentence Healthy Foods Listening to a procedure of healthy eating Talking about healthy and less healthy foods and drinks Reading a text and inding general and speciic information in the procedure text about healthy eating Writing a procedure text on how to eat healthily ive day challenge of healthy eating Nutrition, Foord and drink Had better, modals xiii Semester 2 ThemeTopic Listening Speaking ReadingAnd Viewing Writing And Presenting Project Vocabulary Grammar And Structures ArtsGraitiListening to an exposition about graiti Talking about about graiti Reading a text and inding general and speciic information in the expository text about graiti Writing an expository text about graiti Short essay of public opinion on graiti based on survey Street art Expressions for giving opinions GraitiNoun, verbs, adjectives Fractured Stories Listening to a fractured story Talking about a fractured part of a story Reading a text and inding general and speciic information in the fractured narrative text Writing a simple fractured narrative text Illustrated book of fractured story Stories Past tense; Conditional Sentence Characters Adjectives; adverbs xiv This is a guide to what you will ind in the book. The book consists of six chapters. Each chapter comprises things as follows: A. Name of the chapter Inside the Book Great Athletes 1 KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: What makes an athlete great? Chapterer The chapter is tagged Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six B. Topic of the Chapter Below the name of the chapter is the topic of chapter which is essentially the subtheme of the theme for each semester. There are two themes in the book; Sports is the theme for semester one or odd semester and Arts is the theme for semester two or even semester. xv C. Instructional Objectives These are objectives set for you to achieve upon completing the chapter. These objectives serve as the guide for you. They are adjusted to the type of text genre taught in each of the chapters. Instructional Objectives After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal descriptive text presented in multimodal form about great athletes. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities, and presentations orally to describe great athletes. 3. write a descriptive text about an athlete with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. Descriptive text is a text that explains and describes a person, place, or thing. It uses adjectives and adverbs. It aims to describe a person, place or thing. It consists of the identiication of a person, place or thing and their description. Do You Know? 4 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Questions to Think About 1. Who do you think is a great athlete? 2. Do you believe that sports shape your virtues? Why? Task 1 A Look and Discuss Guess Who! Picture 1.1 Silhouette of a basketball player Look at the pictures below. Do you know them? Picture 1.2 Anthony Sinisuka Ginting Source: fauziananta/wikimedia commons/ CC-BY-4.0 (2018) Picture 1.3 Aries Susanti Rahayu Source: fpti/ (2018) Chapter 1 Great Athletes 5 D. Questions to Think About The set of questions are constructed to orient you to what they will learn in the chapter. E. Tasks This section presents materials and activities you need to do to achieve the instructional objectives set. There are seven tasks in each chapter which organize the materials and activities from spoken discourse to written one. xvi F. Chapter Review This section is aimed for you to carry out chapter mastery checking by themselves. G. Relection This is the section in which you relect on what you learn from the chapter; which area of the materials you believe you have grasped well and that you need to learn more and better. Your relection may serve as an important input for teachers on the materials explained and how you explained them so that you can do it better for the beneit of you. Chapter Review Q: What do you think are two most important traits that should be owned by great athletes? A: Q: What are two physical descriptions that you use to describe Cristiano Ronaldo? A: Q: Mention two facts about Cristiano Ronaldo that you believe make him a great athlete. A: Q: What are three descriptive words that you use the most when drawing a person? A: Q: How did you start your descriptive paragraph? What did you write in the introduction part of a descriptive paragraph? A: Q: What information did you have/put in the paragraph to describe a person? A: 20 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Q: Write two sentences that you used in your paragraph when you describe physical appearance. A: Q: Write two sentences that you used in your paragraph when you describe personality. A: Comment: Relection Please relect on the chapter. Write your relection in the box. The following questions are your guide. 1. How did you feel about this chapter? 2. Name three things you learned. 3. Do you have a question about this chapter? Chapter 1 Great Athletes 21 xvii H. Assessment This section is aimed to measure your knowledge and skills on the materials presented and discussed in the chapter. The assessment requires you to work either individually or in groups to design, complete and present a project to mark. A ssessment Individual Project: What makes a great athlete? By the end of this project, you will be able to come up with a portrait and an essay describing what makes a great athlete. Steps: a. Let’s brainstorm First, you need to create a mind map to help you brainstorm some traits required for someone to be a great athlete. This is just an example, you can add more bubbles to complete your version of a good athlete. Great Athlete Family Support Social Personal Regional Routines For society Family National Responsibilities For self Social International Practices History Genetics/ Physicality Achievement Beliefs/ Values Habits Good Deeds Picture 1.8 Mind map of the traits of a great athlete 22 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X I. Enrichment This section is designed to provide you with further readings you can read on you own time on the materials you have learned in the chapter. The Paralympic Heroes Background Picture 1.10 Leani Oktila Ratri, one of the paralympic heroes. Source: Getty Image/ (2021) Leani Oktila Ratri achieved a historic Para badminton double at Tokyo 2020 and came close to making it three gold medals in the three competitions she played in. She was 20 years old when the motorcycle accident happened, her left leg ended up seven centimeters shorter than the other and stopped playing the game she loves. An aspiring badminton player before that day, Ratri Oktila thought her career was over, but encouraged by her family and inspired by watching other Paralympians she picked up the racket again. Source: Enrichment Chapter 1 Great Athletes 27 xviii Semester 1 Theme: Sports C a h p t e r 1 Great Athletes C a h p t e r 3 Sports and Health C a h p t e r 2 Sports Events C a h p t e r 4 Healthy Foods Semester 1 In each chapter there are various tasks for you to practice. You can copy worksheets or perform tasks on a separate sheet of paper. You can also scan QR Code or visit the link provided in the end of each chapter. In this semester, will these you learn topics: 2 Great Athletes 1 KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) What makes an athlete great? Chapterer Instructional Objectives After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal descriptive text presented in multimodal form about great athletes. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities, and presentations orally to describe great athletes. 3. write a descriptive text about an athlete with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. Descriptive text is a text that explains and describes a person, place, or thing. It uses adjectives and adverbs. It aims to describe a person, place or thing. It consists of the identiication of a person, place or thing and their description. Do You Know? 4 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Questions to Think About 1. Who do you think is a great athlete? 2. Do you believe that sports shape your virtues? Why? Task 1 A Look and Discuss Guess Who! Picture 1.1 Silhouette of a basketball player Look at the pictures below. Do you know them? Picture 1.2 Anthony Sinisuka Ginting Source: fauziananta/wikimedia commons/ CC-BY-4.0 (2018) Picture 1.3 Aries Susanti Rahayu Source: fpti/ (2018) Chapter 1 Great Athletes 5 B Let’s Play We are going to play a game. Here are the steps: 1. Sit in small groups. 2. One student thinks of one famous athlete. 3. The other members of the group take turns asking closedended questions. 4. Keep asking until someone guesses the name of the athlete correctly. 5. Have another round with a different student thinking of a different athlete. C Let’s Write As a group, write the traits of the athlete that were mentioned in the game. Add those traits to the Vocabulary Box. Vocabulary Box Picture 1.4 Windy Cantika Aisah Source: NOC Indonesia/ (2020) Picture 1.5 Boaz Solossa Source: Garry Andrew Lotulung/, (2018) 6 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X D Discuss and Share Some people excel at playing certain sports so that they become great athletes. What does it take to be a great athlete? In small groups, rank the following list based on what you think are the most important qualities of someone who excel at sports. Share your group’s opinion with the class. perseverance and determination diet body weight and height enjoying the competition personality training good body coordination good sportsmanship grit Task 2 A Listen and Check Listen to an audio recording of a great athlete. Decide whether these statements are true or false. No. Statements True False 1. It is a male athlete. 2. The athlete is from Brazil. 3. The sport played is football. 4. The athlete is stylish. Chapter 1 Great Athletes 7 B Listen and Discuss Listen to the audio recording again and discuss the following questions in small groups. Share your answers with the class. 1. How did the speaker start the description? 2. What are the things the speaker described? 3. How did the speaker end the description? 4. What is the main idea of the text? C Listen and Circle Circle the words you hear. beardless playing brown live sporty greatest famous pour expense fame poor greet olive wear bad wavy D Let’s Practice Sit in pairs. Your teacher will give your partner a picture of a person. Without looking at the picture, draw in the box the person your classmate is describing. Show the result to your classmate. How is it? 8 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X E Use Your Words Research about your favorite athlete. Write your description about the athlete by completing the following sentences. You can use the words from your Vocabulary Box in Task 1. 1. __________________ or as we usually call (him/her) as __________ is my favorite ________________. 2. He/She was born in __________________ on ___________________. 3. ___________________ has a/an ____________ body with the height of __________________ centimeters and weight ___________ kilogram. 4. His/Her skin color is ___________ with a _____________ face and ______________ smile. 5. He/She has ___________ eyes and the color is ____________ Task 3 A Look and Discuss Look at the following picture. Picture 1.6 Cristiano Ronaldo Source: Ludovic Péron/lickr/CC-BY-2.0 (2011) Chapter 1 Great Athletes 9 Let’s learn a little bit more about him. In groups of three, discuss and write things about Cristiano Ronaldo that you already know. What we know about Cristiano Ronaldo: Write things you want to know about him. What we want to know about Cristiano Ronaldo: 10 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Let’s Read Read the following text and answer the questions based on the text. Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo has very strong determination. He used to train very hard since his childhood. He knew that a footballer requires good stamina because a football match requires a player to run at least 10 kilometers in a single match. Sometimes, he even trained himself continuously from morning until evening. He also challenged himself by playing along with older players. He becomes so skillful and conident that his opponents cannot igure out how to stop Ronaldo from making a goal. Normal football players will use their single leg of their dominant side body, i.e. players of right­handed or left­handed use their respective legs to score goals but Ronaldo can easily use both of his legs eiciently to make goals. In addition to that, he can use his head to score goals as well. He is also one of the fastest football players in football history. Ronaldo can run very fast, he can run with a speed of 33.6 kilometers per hour. That is why he is also known as a rocket man. This helps Ronaldo to do his famous free­kick. Ronaldo's free­kick speed is approximately 130 kilometers per hour. While jumping, Ronaldo's G-force is ive times higher than that of a cheetah. He can Picture 1.7 CR 7 is showing his skill. Source: Jan S0L0/Flickr/CC-BY-SA 2.0 (2010) Chapter 1 Great Athletes 11 jump up to 78 cm in the air; this jumping height is much more compared to any basketball player. All of these have helped him achieve his success. In his young age, he has won many trophies and broken records including winning the prestigious FIFA Ballon d’Or award ive times and created a world record by scoring the most goals in international football in September 2021. Currently his net worth is around $500 million and this makes him one of the richest athletes. Adopted from: 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. What makes Cristiano Ronaldo different from other players in scoring a goal? 3. How did he get known as a rocket man? 4. How does the text organized its idea about Ronaldo? 5. “Ronaldo’s G-force is ive times higher than that of a cheetah.” What can you infer from the sentence above? 6. What is the function of the picture in relation to the verbal text? C Read and Discover This time, focus on what is discussed in each paragraph. Match the topics about Cristiano Ronaldo below with the information from each paragraph in the text. Compare your answer with your friends' answer. Tell each other how you ind the information in correct paragraph. Information Paragraph Speed Success Jumps Goal Skills Training 12 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Now, write the things you learned about him. What we learned about Cristiano Ronaldo: D Take Notes Did you learn new words from the text? Add them to your Vocabulary Box in Task 1. E Let’s Dig Deeper When you read a biography article of a famous person, you will likely ind that the article includes pictures of the person, like Cristiano Ronaldo’s picture that you see before you start reading. Think about these questions and discuss them in pairs. ­ What do you notice irst from the picture? ­ What does the picture tell you? ­ How does the picture relate to the written text? ­ What happens with the message of the text if the picture is deleted? Chapter 1 Great Athletes 13 Task 4 A Let’s Play Move around the class and ask questions to ind someone who …. Your teacher will give you an example. Write the names on each box. Ask as well the reasons using questions words ‘why/how’. You can use the following to start off your conversation while going around the room. Hi/Hello! Who is your favorite Indonesian athlete? Why do you like him/her? Thank you Find someone who is a fan of … … Mohamed Salah … Greysia Polii … Valentino Rossi … Lalu Muhammad Zohri … Lionel Messi … LeBron James … Jonathan Christie … Muhammad Ali … Michael Jordan 14 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Share the Result Share the indings from this activity. Which athlete is the most popular? Which athlete is the least popular? Why is that? Explain your answer. Task 5 A Listen and Take Notes Listen to the description of Cristiano Ronaldo. Which side of him does the speaker talk about this time? Complete the text using the words from the box. thoughtful apologized humble generous underprivileged it blood type gives He is very kind and (1) __________________________. I found on the internet that his (2) __________________________ is probably A negative. Sometimes he (3) __________________________ his blood to the blood bank so that people who need the same blood type as him will be able to use it. It is not the only good thing that I like about him. He is very (4) __________________ and loves to maintain his health by not smoking. He does not like to drink alcoholic drinks and also there is no tattoo on his body as well. He believes that a tattoo will not be good for the blood that he donates to the blood bank. Chapter 1 Great Athletes 15 Ronaldo is also very (5) __________________ which makes him a philanthropist. He donates billions of dollars to the poor and (6) __________________ people across the world. As a sports celebrity he remains (7) __________________. Ronaldo treats his fans in a very courteous way. Once, a person in the audience was injured in the face by the football kicked by Ronaldo. Right after the match, Ronaldo (8) __________________ personally and gave him his jersey. B Use Your Words Go back to the athlete that you have chosen for Task 2 Activity E. Think about the virtues or values that make him great or special. Is he/she generous, skillful, or shows other qualities? Use the following format to help you state the reason. I like/admire/adore _____________________________ because he/she _____________________________________________________. _______________________________________ inspires me because he/she is ___________________________________________________. For example, he/she _______________________________________. C Let’s Practice Think about the athlete you choose from the previous task or other athletes if you want. Take notes on their physical features (such as hairstyles, height, skin tones), personalities and other information such as where he/she is from. Take notes also on how he/she has inspired you. 16 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X D Let’s Describe Work in pairs. Take turns to describe the athlete to your partner using the information from your notes. Ask your classmate questions about the athlete. Task 6 Think and Plan You are going to write a description of your favorite athlete that you have chosen in the previous tasks. Fill in the table with information about the athlete to help you write a description of him/her later. An example has been provided. You can add more columns if you think it is necessary. Name LeBron James Nicknamed “King James” Date of Birth December 30, 1984 Personality/Virtues/ values Conident, determined Name of sport Basketball Height/Weight/Hair/Skin tone 193 cm/He is tall 113 kg/curly/dark­skinned Achievements ­ NBA Most Valuable Player Award ­ NBA All­Defensive Team ­ Best NBA player ESPY Award Chapter 1 Great Athletes 17 Task 7 A Let’s Write Write a description of your favorite athlete based on the data in the table above. 18 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Do a Peer Review Exchange your writing draft with your classmate. Check your classmate’s writing using the following checklist. Place a tick mark once you have completed the checking of each aspect. No. Aspects Being Checked My Review ✓ Peer Review ✓ 1. A title is provided. 2. The writing is organized into paragraphs with only one topic in each paragraph. 3. The irst paragraph introduces the athlete that is being described. 4. The rest of the paragraphs include the following: topics on the athlete’s proile, physical features, values, virtues and his/ her achievements. 5. Uses descriptive words, and offers vivid adjectives to draw pictures in the reader’s mind. The choice of words seems natural. 6. The spelling is accurate. 7. The text is between 100 to 200 words. 8. The draft has has used another mode (e.g. pictures). C Publish Your Writing Make necessary changes in your writing based on the checklist. Turn in your work for a inal review by your teacher. You can publish your writing in the media of your choice. Chapter 1 Great Athletes 19 Chapter Review Q: What do you think are two most important traits that should be owned by great athletes? A: Q: What are two physical descriptions that you use to describe Cristiano Ronaldo? A: Q: Mention two facts about Cristiano Ronaldo that you believe make him a great athlete. A: Q: What are three descriptive words that you use the most when drawing a person? A: Q: How did you start your descriptive paragraph? What did you write in the introduction part of a descriptive paragraph? A: Q: What information did you have/put in the paragraph to describe a person? A: 20 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Q: Write two sentences that you used in your paragraph when you describe physical appearance. A: Q: Write two sentences that you used in your paragraph when you describe personality. A: Comment: Relection Please relect on the chapter. Write your relection in the box. The following questions are your guide. 1. How did you feel about this chapter? 2. Name three things you learned. 3. Do you have a question about this chapter? Chapter 1 Great Athletes 21 A ssessment Individual Project: What makes a great athlete? By the end of this project, you will be able to come up with a portrait and an essay describing what makes a great athlete. Steps: a. Let’s brainstorm First, you need to create a mind map to help you brainstorm some traits required for someone to be a great athlete. This is just an example, you can add more bubbles to complete your version of a good athlete. Great Athlete Family Support Social Personal Regional Routines For society Family National Responsibilities For self Social International Practices History Genetics/ Physicality Achievement Beliefs/ Values Habits Good Deeds Picture 1.8 Mind map of the traits of a great athlete 22 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X b. Let’s draw Now you will draw a portrait that represents the information from your mind map. You may use symbols, icons, or illustrations. If you are not comfortable with drawing your self­portrait, you can use computers or other technology. You may want to cut out words and images from magazines and newspapers to make a collage. c. Let’s write Using your mind­map and self­portrait, write at least 100­ word essay with the title: ‘What Makes Great Athletes?’ d. Let’s share Share your project result with the class by presenting it. Picture 1.9 Greysia Polii, one of the Indonesian great athlete. Chapter 1 Great Athletes 23 Project Rubrics Component Brainstorm Bubbles Concept Knowledge (Adjectives) SCORE 20 Identiies all the important concepts and shows an understanding of the relationships among them; Shows an understanding of the topic’s concepts and principles and uses appropriate adjectives 15 Identiies important concepts but makes some incorrect connections; Makes some mistakes in using adjectives or shows a few misunderstandings of concepts 10 Makes many incorrect connections; Makes many mistakes in using adjectives and shows a lack of understanding of many concepts 5 Fails to use any appropriate concepts or appropriate connections; Shows no understanding of the topic’s concepts and principles Component Self-Protrait Features SCORE 20 Portrait is very carefully drawn or made and shows all the components written in the brainstorm bubbles; All features show the athlete’s “identity”; very expressive and detailed. 24 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X 15 Portrait is carefully drawn or made and shows most of the components written in the brainstorm bubbles; Most features show the athlete’s “identity”; somewhat expressive and detailed. 10 Portrait looks rushed and sloppy; a few features show the athlete’s identity; Some detail is missing. 5 Does not inish the self­portrait, or rushes at the end to get it done. Much detail is missing. Component Essay Ideas and Task Understanding SCORE 10 Presents ideas in an original manner; Writing shows a strong understanding of concepts and task 5 Ideas are too general; Writing shows adequate understanding of concepts and tasks Grammar, Spelling, and Mechanics SCORE 20 Virtually no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors 15 Few spelling and punctuation errors, minor grammatical errors 10 A number of spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors 5 So many spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors that it interferes with the meaning Chapter 1 Great Athletes 25 Component Speaking/ Presentation Fluency and Pronunciation SCORE 20 The student speaks clearly and articulately with no hesitation; The student’s pronunciation is exceptional and mirrors a near­native speaker. 15 The student is able to respond to the prompt with few errors and relative ease; The student’s pronunciation is clear, with few errors 10 The student demonstrates some luency and is able to construct a simple sentence; The student is inconsistent in their pronunciation. Some words are pronounced correctly, and others are not correct. 5 The student has great diiculty correctly putting words together in a sentence; The student struggles to pronounce words. Component Time and Effort SCORE 10 Class time was used effectively. Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the piece. Considerable progress could be seen each day 5 Little or no effort for this project was demonstrated. 26 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X The Paralympic Heroes Background Picture 1.10 Leani Oktila Ratri, one of the paralympic heroes. Source: Getty Image/ (2021) Leani Oktila Ratri achieved a historic Para badminton double at Tokyo 2020 and came close to making it three gold medals in the three competitions she played in. She was 20 years old when the motorcycle accident happened, her left leg ended up seven centimeters shorter than the other and stopped playing the game she loves. An aspiring badminton player before that day, Ratri Oktila thought her career was over, but encouraged by her family and inspired by watching other Paralympians she picked up the racket again. Source: Enrichment Chapter 1 Great Athletes 27 What to Do Step 1 Research and write proiles of Paralympic games heroes and heroines who have had to overcome obstacles in their lives to achieve sporting success. You may want to use the following questions to guide your research and writing process? 1. What sports do they play? 2. What limitations or physical impairments do they have? 3. What had caused the impairments? 4. What obstacles do they need to overcome? 5. What achievement have they gotten so far? 6. How does their story affect you personally? 7. How can their story inspire society to change? Step 2 Present your writing in the form of a short video. You may use youtube shorts, tik tok, or Instagram reels to publish your work. Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the worksheet you need to do in each task: content/media/doc/BS-Inggris-Ch1.docx 28 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Sports Events KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) 2 Chapterer Where is the best place for watching sports games? After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal recount text presented in multimodal form about sports event. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally to tell about a sports event. 3. write a recount text about a sports event with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. Personal recount text is one type of recount text in addition to factual, autobiographical, biographical, literary, and historical recount. It retells the writer’s past experiences with the aim to either inform or to entertain the audience. It often consists of orientation, series of events, and reorientation. Do You Know? Instructional Objectives 30 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Questions to Think About 1. What is the effect of watching sports games on your health? 2. How can you say if someone is a loyal fan of a team or a player? Task 1 A Look and Answer Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Picture 2.1 Watching live sports event Picture 2.2 Watching sports event at home 1. What do you see in the picture? Tell the class. 2. How can you tell if someone is a loyal fan of a team or a player? 3. Which activity do you prefer? Why? Chapter 2 Sports Events 31 B Take Notes Write the words you learn from the question and answer session in the Vocabulary Box. Vocabulary Box C Discuss and Decide How did it feel to watch a sports event? Some people enjoy watching sports games live or through the screen. In groups of three, rank the following list based on what you think are the most important etiquette to be a good spectator. Explain the result to the class. Do not litter. No profanity. Stand for the National Anthem. Congratulate the winning team. 32 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Keep your comments positive. Mind your manners. Don’t let trash talk escalate. Avoid continuous extra loud yelling. Quiet during National Anthem. Task 2 A Listen and Discuss Listen to Agam talking about his experience of watching a sport event and answer the following questions: 1. What did the speaker tell you? 2. How does he feel about watching a live football match? 3. Where did he watch the match? 4. How many people were there in the stadium? 5. "While the match was exciting nonetheless, I kept on chewing the hotdog I bought earlier. It was a bit chewy, but it was smooth and tasted really good." What does the word 'it' refer to? B Listen and Find out Listen again to the audio recording then ind out what Agam is experiencing during the match. In small groups, ill in the following categories of senses with appropriate words that describe Agam’s experience of the sports event. Share your results with the class. Chapter 2 Sports Events 33 See Hear Smell Touch Taste Picture 2.3 Five senses C Let’s Practice Sit in pairs. Your teacher will give you two pictures of sports games. Decide in which activity they have more exciting experiences. Explain the reasons why. Task 3 A Read and Rearrange Andi is writing about his experience of watching a football match. In pairs, rearrange the paragraphs into a meaningful text. Discuss your results with the class. Anyway, the football match took place about 5 years ago, when two of the best football clubs of my country played against each other in a inal match of the national football tournament. The two arch­rival teams had already clashed against 34 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X each other in the past, and their number of wins was pretty much the same throughout the history of their clash, especially in this tournament. So, essentially, nobody really knew which team was favorite to win the inal. The game continued scoreless up until the half time interval, but as the second half of the game started, the intensity of the game increased. In the meanwhile, I was getting nervous in the stadium because my team wasn’t exactly playing up to our expectations. In fact, my team was lucky to survive a few scoring chances from the opponent team. Then, suddenly, the ball was passed to the main “striker” of my favorite team from nowhere, and a goal was scored by my team, leaving the supporters of my team completely ecstatic and crazy with the feeling of a possible victory. And, in the end, we were indeed the victorious team. Anyway, I consider this match to be interesting because we never know which team is going to win. Besides, I consider this match exciting also because it attracts supporters from all over my country. Finally, it is also interesting because no other sporting event makes us as emotional as this one. I like football, whether it is played between two international teams or local teams, as long as the teams give their best on the ield. The sporting event that I would like to talk about was a national club football tournament in my country that takes place every year. Chapter 2 Sports Events 35 But when the game actually started, all the supporters of both the teams were screaming and encouraging their respective teams as if they were bound to win. As a supporter, I also wanted my team to win at all costs. Anyway, both teams were playing very “rough and tough” football that led to some unwanted “fouls” and some unfortunate “istights”. Adopted from: 629-describe-a-sporting-event-you-attended Retrieved: February 7, 2022 B Guess the Meaning Without using a dictionary, guess the meaning of these words/ phrases from the text using context clues. Share with the class how you get to your answer. Words/Phrases Meaning took place clashed scoreless opponent encouraging rough and tough fouls 36 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X C Take Notes Did you learn new words from the text? Add them to your Vocabulary Box. Vocabulary Box D Discuss and Answer 1. Are there any parts of the writer’s experience in watching the game that are similar to yours? 2. Why do you think the writer stated that the winner was unpredictable? 3. Could you feel the same excitement of watching the game by just reading the text? 4. How do you think the writer’s can help you to do active reading using your ive senses? Chapter 2 Sports Events 37 Task 4 Let’s Play Sit in small groups. Your teacher will give you sense­cards. Put the cards face­down. Imagine you watch the sports game in the picture. Take turns telling your imagined experience watching the sports game. Use the sense card you get as a guide. Picture 2.4 Pencak silat Picture 2.5 Rowing Picture 2.6 Volleyball Picture 2.7 Wall climbing Picture 2.8 Swimming Picture 2.9 Running race 38 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Picture 2.10 High jump Picture 2.11 Suring Picture 2.12 Basketball Picture 2.13 Badminton Picture 2.14 Hockey Picture 2.15 Cycling See Hear Smell Touch Taste Picture 2.16 Five senses Chapter 2 Sports Events 39 Task 5 A Think and Take Notes Think about the last sports event you watched. Write a short note about the situation using the following questions to guide you. ­ What sports event did you go to/watch? ­ When was it? ­ Where did you watch it? ­ Who did you watch it with? ­ What do you think about the spectators and the game? B Let’s Share Talk about your experience to your partner without looking at your notes. When you have inished sharing your experience to your partner, ind another partner and talk about your experience again. Follow this until you have talked to 5 or more people in your class. Talk about your experience again. Change your partner again to do the same activity. Task 6 Think and Plan Take your notes from the previous activity. You are going to tell the sports event by providing details about the event. 40 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Complete the table below by answering the questions that will help you with. Fill in the table with a sports event that will help with your writing task later. What sports event did you attend? Is it your favorite sport? When did you watch it? Where did you watch it? Why did you choose to watch it on TV/live? Who did you watch it with? Why did you go with him/her/them? What did you see? What happened irst, next, then? How did you feel about the event? What made you feel that way? What did you hear/see in the event? Chapter 2 Sports Events 41 Task 7 A Let’s Write Based on the information you have written in the table above, write a description of the sports event you attended or watched. Use the notes you have written to tell the event. 42 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Do a Peer Review Check your own writing by ticking the list below. Then ask your classmate to check your writing. No Aspects being checked My Review Peer Review 1. A title is provided. 2. The writing is organized into paragraphs with only one topic in each paragraph. 3. The irst paragraph introduces the sports event that is talked about. 4. The rest of the paragraphs include the topics on the location, companion, and the elements of what your ive senses can experience. 5. Uses the words that are used to talk about events, and offers vivid adjectives to draw pictures in the reader's mind. The choice of words seems natural. 6. The spelling is accurate. 7. The text is between 100 to 200 words. 8. The text has used another mode (e.g. pictures). C Publish Your Writing Make the necessary changes in your writing based on the checklist. Turn in your work for a inal review by your teacher. You can publish your writing in the media of your choice. Tips: Be careful when you use social media, please remain respectful and mindful with what you say and share. Chapter 2 Sports Events 43 Chapter Review Q: What do you think is the best place to watch sports game? Why do you think so? A: Q: What do you think are the four most important etiquettes that should be owned by good spectators? Why do you think so? A: Q: Mention the ive senses that you have used to tell your experience of attending an event. A: Q: Give an example of a word (one word only) that you have used to describe each sense you mentioned in the previous question. A: Q: Mention two most memorable events that you have ever attended. What makes them memorable to you? A: Q: What are the four words that have helped you the most when talking about what you see? A: 44 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Q: What information did you prepare or have to talk about an event? A: Q: Write two sentences that talk about what you feel about an event that you attended. A: Q: Write two sentences that represent the event. A: Comment: Relection Please relect on the chapter. Write your relection in the box. The following questions are your guide. 1. Things I learned from this chapter. 2. Things I want to learn more about. 3. Questions I have. Chapter 2 Sports Events 45 A ssessment Group Project: Organizing Sports Event By the end of this project, you will be able to come up with a planner or proposal of a sports event. From your experience of attending a sports event, you are now given the chance to create your own sports event that can bring more joy to other people. 1. Let’s think Think about the following factors before you create your event. a. Set speciic goals. 1. Why do you need to hold this event? 2. How many participants are required to attend the event? 3. Do you want to attract a local or international audience? How will you do that? 4. Which values are you promoting? Is the goal purely sports­related or do you support a good cause? 5. What will the event schedule look like? b. Choose a suitable venue. 1. Accessibility: Does the venue have enough parking space to hold many vehicles? Is it easily accessible by public transport? 2. Capacity: Is there enough room to accommodate your target attendance, including your team, the participants, and the supporters? 46 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X 3. Available equipment: How many toilets? How many ields? How is the space for the audience? Think of the comfort of both your participants and supporters. c. Think about the budget Think about your needs and your budget resources. You may obtain grants, inancial support from sponsors, or income from ticket sales and other related products. 2. Let’s create Develop your event plan by writing the event details based on your answers in the previous activity. In this part, you are encouraged to use different modes including text, tables and images. 3. Let’s present You should present the proposal as an oral presentation, supported by charts, graphs, and other documents. Presentations and proposals should include writing and speaking that informs the event thoroughly. 4. Let’s assess Evaluate classmates’ proposal. Give constructive feedback on the effectiveness of the idea, presentation, and proposal. Lastly, share your feelings about the level at which you would gladly attend or be part of the event. Chapter 2 Sports Events 47 Grading Rubric for Event Proposal Teamwork (25%) Sophisticated The team worked well together to achieve objectives. Each member contributed in a valuable way to the project. All data sources indicated a high level of mutual respect and collaboration. Competent The team worked well together most of the time, with only a few occurrences of communication breakdown or failure to collaborate when appropriate. Members were mostly respectful of each other Needs improvement Team did not collaborate or communicate well. Some members would work independently, without regard to objectives or priorities. A lack of respect and regard was frequently noted Contribution (25%) Sophisticated All requirements and objectives are identiied, evaluated and completed. Competent All requirements are identiied and evaluated but some objectives are not completed. Needs improvement Many requirements and objectives are not identiied, evaluated and/or completed 48 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Composition (25%) Sophisticated The event proposal was well organized and clearly written. The underlying logic was clearly articulated and easy to follow. Words were chosen that precisely expressed the intended meaning and supported reader comprehension. Diagrams/picture/graph/table were used to clarify presentation of ideas. Sentences were grammatical and free from errors. Competent The event proposal was organized and clearly written for the most part. In some areas the logic and/or low of ideas were diicult to follow. Words were well chosen with some minor expectations. Diagrams/picture/graph/ table were consistent with the text. Sentences were mostly grammatical and/or only a few spelling errors were present but they did not hinder the reader. Needs improvement The event proposal was organized and clearly written for the most part. In some areas the logic and/or low of ideas were diicult to follow. Words were well chosen with some minor expectations. Diagrams/picture/graph/ table were consistent with the text. Sentences were mostly grammatical and/or only a few spelling errors were present but they did not hinder the reader Chapter 2 Sports Events 49 Presentation (25%) Sophisticated The presentation was the appropriate length. It did not seem hurried or too slow. The presenter spoke clearly and distinctly and established eye contact with the audience. Competent The presentation was the appropriate length but seemed very hurried or too slow. The presenter spoke clearly and distinctly only some of the time and/or established little eye contact with the audience. Needs improvement The presentation was too long or too short. The presenter did not speak clearly most of the time and established little eye contact with the audience. Enrichment The Paralympics Games Background The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games were a major international multi­sport event for athletes with disabilities governed by the International Paralympic Committee. The 16th Summer Paralympic Games were scheduled to be held in Tokyo, Japan between 24 August and 5 September 2021. The event was still called Tokyo 2020 despite taking place in 2021 due to the outbreaks of the Covid­19 pandemic. Source: 50 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Picture 2.17 Paralympic games Source: Lintao Zhang, Getty Images (2020) What to Do Step 1 Explore the 2020 Paralympic Games. Compare the coverage of the Japan 2020 Paralympics with that of other Paralympic Games, such as Rio de Janeiro in 2016, London in 2012, or Beijing in 2008 (You need to choose one). What similarities and differences are there in the following issues? What might be the reasons for any differences? 1. The bids process 2. Preparations including transport, volunteers, medals, impact of the COVID­19 pandemic, torch relay. 3. The games including sports (are there any new sports), the national teams participating, the number of athletes. Chapter 2 Sports Events 51 4. The medal summary 5. The events schedule (calendar) 6. The venues 7. The marketing including logo, mascot, animated shorts. 8. The broadcasting 9. The concerns and controversies Step 2 Present your inding result in the form of a cohesive informational graphic that effectively showcases and highlights the data in a way that is simple and easy for your audience to understand. You may use pictures, graphs, and charts. Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the worksheet you need to do in each task: content/media/doc/BS-Inggris-Ch2.docx 52 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Sports and Health KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) 3 Chapterer What does being healthy mean to you? After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal procedure text presented in multimodal form about sports and health. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally about sports and health. 3. write a procedure text about sports and health with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. A procedure text is a text that gives instructions for doing a particular activity. It can also serve to explain how something works. It aims to give instruction or to explain how something can be done. It uses imperative and consists of goal or purpose, may or may nor contain materials, and steps. Do You Know? Instructional Objectives 54 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Questions to Think About 1. Why do you think you need to stay healthy? 2. Can you mention one creative way of staying healthy? Task 1 A Look and Answer Look at the pictures then answer the questions. Picture 3.1 Slouching on the couch Picture 3.2 Doing exercises Picture 3.3 Working in front of computers Picture 3.4 Eating healthy food Chapter 3 Sports and Health 55 1. Which activities can make you stay healthy? Why? 2. Which activities make you happy? Why? 3. Would you rather stay healthy or be happy? B Listen and Answer Listen to someone sharing different ways on how to stay healthy. Answer the following questions based on the text you listened to. 1. In what situation is the text most likely used? 2. Where would you usually ind this text? 3. Who will most likely read the text? 4. Which of the following activities are suggested? Picture 3.5 Playing games Picture 3.6 Eating junk food Picture 3.7 Brushing her teeth Picture 3.8 Eating junk food 56 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Picture 3.9 Eating healthy food Picture 3.13 Doing exercises Picture 3.11 Weighing his/her body Picture 3.10 Sleeping Picture 3.14 Listening to music Picture 3.12 Relaxing Chapter 3 Sports and Health 57 Draw the picture of the activity that you think was mentioned in the text but not represented by the pictures shown above. 58 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X C Take a Survey Sit in small groups. Ask your classmates in the group how many times they do the following activities: You can say: How many times a week/a month do you …? Activities Never Sometimes Often Always exercise eat healthy foods check your weight get 8 hours of sleep brush and loss your teeth wear sunscreen when you go outside Chapter 3 Sports and Health 59 D Share and Compare Compare the information. Are there any other activities that are popular among your classmates that have not been mentioned in the list of activities? E Take Notes Did you learn new words from the text? Add them to your Vocabulary Box. Vocabulary Box Task 2 A Listen and Answer Listen to a conversation of two classmates talking about healthy activities that one of them has decided to do. Answer the questions based on the conversation. 1. Who are they? 2. What has made Rindi surprised? 3. What made Bahar see his doctor? 4. What has Bahar done to live healthier? 60 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Listen and Complete Listen to the audio recording again and complete the following information in the table. More than one answer is possible. Bahar’s main problem Doctor’s solution Other health consequences Some forms of lifestyle changes Chapter 3 Sports and Health 61 C Discuss and Share Discuss the answer to the following questions with a partner, then share it with the class 1. What would you do if you were in the same situation as Bahar? 2. Do you think the efforts Bahar has done will help him? Why/ Why not. Task 3 A Read and Decide Study the two infographics on mental and physical health below. Picture 3.15 Tips for taking care of mental health 62 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Picture 3.16 Seven healthy habit for weight loss Decide if the statements are true or false according to the infographics. Infographic A The following activities can maintain True False your mental health Engross yourself shortly with what is around you. Remind yourself that some things can go wrong. Mind your bodily well­being. Chapter 3 Sports and Health 63 Infographic B The following activities can help you True False lose weight Miss your morning meals. Avoid drinking water when you get up from your sleep. Have a big portion for your lunch. B Let’s Complete It Complete the following sentences with ONE word from the infographics. 1. In order to lose weight, you need to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and begin to …………………… around. 2. Make sure you have enough gap between your dinner and your ……………………. 3. Talking about your problem may help you with mental health only if you …………………… the person you talk to. 4. You need to convince …………………… that despite all the problems, by the end of the day everything is going to be ine. 5. You need to consume …………………… the irst thing in the morning. 64 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X C Discuss and Decide Now discuss in your groups the answers to the following questions. 1. Which of the tips from the mental health infographic that you have done? How was the effect? 2. Which of the tips from the mental health infographic that you want to try? Why? 3. Have you tried any weight loss habits mentioned in the infographic? Which one/s? 4. Do you have other tips for weight loss? 5. Why do you think people feel the need to lose weight? Task 4 A Let’s Play We are going to play Self-care Bingo. Self­care means to practice things including hygiene, nutrition, etc. to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy. Here are the steps: 1. Have a blank bingo card. You may draw or your teacher may provide it for you. 2. See the list of self­care activities, write the ones you like to do for self­care on the tiles of your bingo card. 3. Your teacher will mention selfcare activities from the list one by one randomly. Chapter 3 Sports and Health 65 B I N G O  Picture 3.17 Self­care Bingo 4. Search and mark the activities you have written on your Bingo card. 5. The winner is someone who can ill in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally). 6. You can yell, BINGO! Once you marked one row completely. B Let’s Discuss How do you think the game help you understand the importance of self­care to maintain your health both mentally and physically? Task 5 A Let’s Have a Group Discussion When you have done enough self­care, it is believed that you will be able to care for others. Let’s play the following game to see how well you can help others to cope with the situation they are faced with by giving them sound suggestions. Steps: 1. Form small groups. 2. Take turns spinning a pen on the game board. 3. Read the situation that the pen points at. 4. Give a suggestion of what to do in that situation. 66 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X My life is so boring I can't keep my eyes open in morning classes I can't stop munching on snack after lunch I'm woried about my grades I can't concentrate Someone bullies me on social media I gain a lot of weight lately My ears keep ringing Picture 3.18 Board of spinning game B Let’s Share Everyone needs to make time to care for their own needs daily, so she/he has the strength and ability to care for others. From the game you have played, talk to your classmate whether you think you are the one who needs more advice or the one who can give advice? Chapter 3 Sports and Health 67 Task 6 A Read and Think Study the following writing prompt. Picture 3.19 A Screenshot of a twit Source: Ziazivania/Twitter (2022) Picture 3.20 A Screenshot of a twit Source: Zealousse/Twitter (2020) B Draft a Text Based on the writing prompt or health problems faced by students in general, create your own tips on how to maintain physical or mental health as students. Talk about what aspect of health you would like to write about, what you will need to do to maintain the health, the steps you will use to explain your tips, and how you think your tips will be concluded. When you have inished sharing with a partner, write your ideas on this organizer to help you plan your tips. Title Purpose Steps 68 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Task 7 A Write the Text Write a simple procedure text of how to maintain health based on the draft you have prepared. Chapter 3 Sports and Health 69 B Do a Review Work in pairs to do peer review. Check your own writing by ticking the list below. Then ask your classmate to check your writing. No. Aspects being checked My Review ✓ Peer Review ✓ Suggestion 1. You write the text title. 2. Your purpose is writing in clear sentences. 3. Your steps are clear and in correct order. 4. Your sentences are complete and easily understood. 5. The spelling and punctuation is correct. 6. The text is between 100 to 200 words. 7. Text uses another mode (picture). C Publish Your Writing Make the necessary changes in your writing based on your classmates’ review and teacher’s suggestions. You can write your text in the form of an infographic and publish it to the media of your choice. 70 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Chapter Review Q: If you have to choose, do you want to stay healthy or do you want to stay happy? A: Q: Mention your two favorite ways of staying healthy. A: Q: Why do you think listening to loud music is not good for your health? A: Q: Give two examples of what your classmates always do to stay healthy based on survey activity in Task 3 Part C. A: Q: How do you think your lifestyle can affect your health? A: Q: Why do you think people should pay attention to both mental health and physical health? A: Q: What are the three parts of the procedure text? A: Chapter 3 Sports and Health 71 Q: Write three words that can be used to signal steps when you give some tips to do something. A: Q: Write two sentences that can be used as the introduction on how to stay healthy. A: Comment: Relection Please relect on the chapter. Write your relection in the box. The following questions are your guide. 1. What stuck with you the most about tasks in this chapter? 2. What are the top three things you learned? 3. What are 5 keywords that are important about this topic? 72 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X A ssessment Group/Individual Project: Health Campaign By the end of this project, you will be able to come up with a poster of a Health Campaign. 1. Think about it a. Which aspect of health are you going to promote? b. Who is your target audience? c. Have you had enough sources to support your campaign message? 2. Do the checklist No. Criteria Yes No 1. Is your poster imaginative and interesting? · Does it catch the audience’s intention? · Is it creative? · Does it show effort and care? 2. Is your poster effective at addressing the issue of health? · Does your poster deal with a health issue that your audience deals with? · Is it clear from your poster what you want from the viewer? · Does it have an impact on the audience? 3. Do you make good use of text, image, layout, and font/style? · Have you included a creative and attention­grabbing image? Chapter 3 Sports and Health 73 · Does your poster’s layout clearly present your information? · Have you included enough text? Is it informative? · Have you used multiple fonts/styles to enhance your text? 4. Is your poster free of spelling mistakes? 3. Sketch the poster You may sketch your poster using this format or use a poster maker application. Image: What image will you use? Describe here and explain why you think this is a good choice. Font and Style: What fonts are you using? Why are some words larger than others? Explain your choices here. Text: Write (and rewrite!) the text you will include in your poster here: 4. Make it public Publish your poster to the media of your choice. 74 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Grading Rubric for the Poster Completion POINTS 20­25 Poster is 100% complete. It is clear that the student addressed all parts of the task very well 14­19 Poster is 70% complete. The student addressed most parts of the task well. 8­13 Poster is 30% complete. The students addressed some parts of the task. 0­7 No poster turned in or the poster did not address the task. Student Work & Creativity POINTS 20­25 Student work is thorough, clear, and had no spelling or grammatical errors. The work is extremely neat and the layout is well thought out. Student used different media to portray health issue campaigns. 14­19 Student shows an adequate amount of work for the assignment with few spelling or grammatical errors. The work is neat and effort was made to complete the whole assignment but presentation could be better 8­13 Student shows some work, but it is inadequate. Many spelling or grammatical errors. The work is messy. A lack of effort is very apparent from the inal product. Very little creativity was used to complete the assignment. 0­7 Student shows no effort in his or her work or it is incomplete. Chapter 3 Sports and Health 75 Accuracy POINTS 20­25 Poster is 100% accurate, included relevant facts and plenty of information from the trusted sources that addressed the intended health campaign. 14­19 Poster is 70% accurate with some relevant Facts and plenty of information from the trusted sources that addressed the intended health campaign. 8­13 Poster is 30% accurate with few relevant Facts and few of information from the trusted sources that addressed the intended health campaign. 0­7 There are no facts included to address the health issue. Format POINTS 20­25 Student followed the required format as what stated in the checklist. 14­19 Student followed the required format as what stated in the checklist 8­13 Student attempted to follow the required format but some were not meeting the task requirement. 0­7 Student did not follow the poster format 76 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X My Daily Jurnal Background A study conducted in 2021 to 210 students from junior high school, senior high school, and university levels which were selected randomly revealed that there was a positive and signiicant inluence of the students’ age group on mental health and stress levels during the outbreak of COVID­19. The analysis also concluded that students in the 12­15 years’ age group had the worst mental health level. Meanwhile, students in the 20­25 years’ age group are known to have the lowest anxiety level. Overall, this study found that Indonesian students experienced a decline in mental health and detected an increase in anxiety levels. The level of mental health and student anxiety has implications for their learning at home, which can lead to unsatisfactory learning outcomes. Source: What to Do Step 1 (Do this for at least a week) 1. Start a daily journal, including weekends, of your daily life. 2. Try to use English in writing your journal. 3. Include emotions, feelings, and thoughts as well as what events took place. Enrichment Chapter 3 Sports and Health 77 4. Make sure you keep your journal private and locked away, or if you use an online journal, keep a secret password. Step 2 (Discuss this questions after a week of journal writing) 1. Why do you think keeping a stress journal can help you reduce stress? 2. How would you compare and contrast keeping a journal versus talking to someone about your problems? 3. Which part of journal writing can help you the most with your mental health? 4. How can writing a journal in English make you more/less stressful? Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the worksheet you need to do in each task: content/media/doc/BS-Inggris-Ch3.docx 78 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Healthy Foods KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) What kind of food do you consume regularly? 4 Chapterer After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal procedure text presented in multimodal form about healthy foods. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally about healthy foods. 3. write a procedure text about healthy foods with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. Instructional Objectives A procedure text is a text that gives instructions for doing a particular activity. It can also serve to explain how something works. It aims to give instruction or to explain how something can be done. It uses imperative and consists of goal or purpose, may or may nor contain materials, and steps. Do You Know? 80 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 81 Questions to Think About 1. What kind of food do you consume regularly? Why did you choose it? 2. How do you choose the food you are consuming? 3. How does the food you consume impact your health? Task 1 A Look and Share Loot at the pictures. Discuss which are healthy and less healthy foods and drinks. Picture 4.1 Aceh Noodles Source: Yasmina Haryono/Wikimedia commons/CC BY-SA 2.0 (2010) Picture 4.2 Crispy Deep­fried Prawn Ulakan Source: SpartacksCompatriot/Wikimedia commons/CC BY-SA 3.0 (2013) Picture 4.3 Es Pisang Ijo Source: Andreanrama/Wikimedia commons/CC-BY-SA (2020) Picture 4.4 Cendol Source: Gunawan Kartapranata/Wikimedia commons/CC-BY-SA4.0 (2018) 82 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Picture 4.5 Gado-Gado Source: Piknikdong/Wikimedia commons/ CC BY 4.0 (2021) Picture 4.6 Tinutuan Source: User: (WT-shared) Jpatokal at wts wikivoyage/Wikimedia commons/CC BY-SA 3.0 (2006) Picture 4.7 Rujak Source: shan5/pixabay/CC BY-SA 4.0 (2020) Picture 4.8 Pempek Source: andryhariana/Pixabay/CC BY-SA 4.0 (2021) B Listen and Answer Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions based on the dialogue below. 1. What are the speakers talking about? 2. How does Samsidar feel about Niken knowing the right food to eat? 3. What will Samsidar most likely do? 4. What does Niken suggest Samsidar should do? 5. Why should caffeine be avoided? Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 83 C Take Notes Write important words and expressions you have listened to from the dialogue in your Vocabulary Box. Vocabulary Box Task 2 Listen and Find out Listen to the recording again. Match the statements with the parts of the text. Expressions Parts of Text Closing Goal Opening Series of Suggestions 1. Always eat the right foods so you can stay healthy. 2. First, take medicine for your stomach ache. 84 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X 3. Hi, Sidar. How are you? 4. One last thing, don’t eat too much spicy foods like that cireng with hot sauce. 5. Okay, see you then. 6. Then after it gets better you need to mind what you eat. Task 3 A Let’s Read Simple Tips for Healthy Eating All of us know about the beneits of eating healthier. Proper nutrition helps us prevent cancer, heart disease, and other serious ailments. It allows us to lose weight and keep the pounds off. Eating healthier also helps to enhance our mood substantially and increases our chances of living longer and enjoying wellbeing while we are alive. I wanted to simplify the rules for eating healthier and make it simple for those who are interested in improving the way they eat. So what are these tips? 1. Eat Real Food, Not Processed Food It is best to eat foods in their natural state. Forget foods that are processed in a factory. Some examples of processed foods are convenience snack (potato chips, baked crisps, etc.), white Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 85 bread (bread is not supposed to be white in color), cereals, canned vegetables, canned meats, canned fruit, granola bars, candy bars, white sugar, bleached lour, beef jerky, soda, sports drinks, margarine (it is hydrogenated in a factory), packaged cookies, frozen dinners, processed meats like hot dogs, canned soups, fruit juices, ketchup, etc. Processed foods have been greatly modiied and contain a lot of ingredients that do not exist in the food naturally. 2. Eat a Variety of Different Foods Each type of food ingredient that exists in nature has its nutritional makeup. When we eat different types of foods, we are more likely to get all the nutrients we need in order to be healthy. 3. Cook More Than Eating Out One of the best ways to eat healthier is to cook your own food. Besides saving a lot of money, you will also be able to control what goes into your food. You will not be using chemicals and other unhealthy additives. 4. Stop Eating Before You are Full Instead of eating until you are completely full, stop eating before you feel completely satiated. It is OK (and healthy) to stop eating while you still have some room in your stomach. And do not forget, it takes a while for your stomach to send the message to your brain that you are full and have had enough to eat. 5. Eat at The Dining Table, Not in Your Car or at Your Desk Always try to eat at a proper dining table. Never eat in your car or at your desk. When you make a point to sit down at a table and focus on your meal, you will be less likely to 86 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X eat unconsciously. And food that is served to you through a window is almost never healthy. Following this rule also reduces the chances of eating when you are bored. 6. Drink Water and Forget Everything Else Water is the healthiest drink on the planet, period. Sodas, energy, and lavored drinks are the most unhealthy and they should be avoided at all costs. If you want to have a lavored drink, make lemonade using fresh lemons, or drink tea, or water lavored with fresh fruit and vegetables. So there you have it: you can eat much healthier simply by following the 6 tips listed above. Adapted from: Retrieved: 12 February 2022 B Let’s Match Look at the following statements (Questions 1­5) and the list of tips. Match each statement with the correct tips, A­F based on the reading text. 1. It takes time for the brain to get the information that you have eaten enough. (.....) 2. You need to focus and ind a proper place to eat. (.....) 3. Cook your own meal for healthier and cheaper options. (.....) 4. Food is best when they are not over­processed. (.....) 5. More variation means more nutrients in your food. (.....) Tips of Healthy Eating A. Eat real food, not processed food. B. Eat a variety of different foods. C. Cook more than eating out. Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 87 D. Stop eating before you are full. E. Eat at the dining table, not in your car or at your desk. F. Drink water and forget everything else. C Let’s Answer Answer the questions based on the information you get from the text. 1. Who will ind the information in the text useful? 2. In what kind of reading section will you likely ind this type of text? 3. In Rule number 5, “Eat at the Dining Table, Not in Your Car or at Your Desk,” the word ‘this’ in the sentence ‘Following this rule also reduces the chances of eating when you are bored,’ refers to .... 4. “Stop Eating Before You Are Full,” the word ‘satiated’ in the sentence ‘...stop eating before you feel completely satiated,’ can be best replaced by what word? 5. Which tip/s that is easiest for you to follow? Why? Task 4 A Let’s Play We are going to play THIS OR THAT. You need to choose between two options. Ask around the questions related to food preference. You may add more choices to the list. 88 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Picture 4.9 Choosing one of two options This That Homemade food Take away food Local food International food Rice Noodle Mineral Water Soft drink Fried food Steamed food Fruit Vegetable Milk Juice B Let’s Share After you have made note of the result of the interview, share it with your classmates. Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 89 Task 5 Let’s Talk About it Here are the Dos and Don’ts to healthy eating. Talk with a partner about the activities you do for your own healthy eating habit based on the information on the table. Dos Don’ts Drink plenty of water Eat after 7 P.M. Watch your portion sizes Skip meals Make healthy foods choice Forbid yourself a particular foods Only eat in certain settings (kitchen table) Eat while you watch TV Eat home­cooked meals Eat sugary snacks Eat slowly Be a picky eater Task 6 Draft a Text Complete the table below to make a draft of procedure text about how to eat healthily to maintain your health. You can use the ideas you shared in the previous task. 90 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Title Purpose Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (continue adding more steps as you need) Task 7 A Write and Check Write a simple procedure text on how to eat healthily to maintain your health based on the draft you have prepared. Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 91 B Do a Review Work in pairs to do peer review. Check your own writing by ticking the list below. Then ask your classmate to check your writing. No. Aspects being checked My Review ✓ Peer Review ✓ Suggestion/s 1. You write the text title. 2. Your purpose is writing in clear sentences. 3. Your steps are clear and in correct order. 4. Your sentences are complete and easily understood. 5. The spelling and punctuation is correct. 6. The text is between 100 to 200 words. 7. The text uses another mode (picture). C Publish Your Writing Make the necessary changes in your writing based on your classmates’ and teacher’s suggestions. You can publish your writing in the media of your choice. 92 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Chapter Review Q: If you can live with only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why? A: Q: What comes irst when you choose to consume food, should it be healthy or tasty? Why? A: Q: Mention four examples of processed food that is usually consumed by teenagers. A: Q: From activity “this or that” in task 4, which food that your classmates choose more, local food or international food? Why? A: Q: Why do you think it is forbidden to eat while you watch TV? A: Q: Name two reasons why numbers are used in the procedure text of giving tips? A: Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 93 Q: State four nutritious local foods that you can eat on a daily basis. A: Q: Write two sentences that can be used as a conclusion when you write procedure text. A: Comment: Relection Please relect on the chapter. Write your relection in the box. The following questions are your guide. 1. How did you feel about this chapter? 2. List three things that you learned 3. What did you ind the most interesting? 4. What do you want to learn more about? 94 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X A ssessment Group Project: Healthy Eating Challenge By the end of this project you will come up with a ive-day challenge of healthy eating/drinking. Suggested challenge you may want to create: a. No sugary drink b. Local food only for lunch c. Homemade breakfast d. My healthy plate e. Non­rice carb for dinner f. 2 liters of water a day g. Fruit for snack 1. The planning stage Plan your challenge by answering the following questions ● Name of the challenge ● Objective (why do you want to make this Challenge) ● Target (who should do this Challenge) ● Time (how long should the challenge be completed) ● Steps/stages of completing the challenge Write detail instruction of how people can participate and complete the challenge. 2. Make a challenge Create your challenge by using the challenge creation application or manually. Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 95 3. Buzz the challenge You may use your social media or any platform to buzz and publish your challenge. 4. Sense of community Ask the people who have completed the ive-day challenge to encourage other people to try this and share their experience while they are doing the challenge. Scoring Rubric Component Description Transformative (5­25) Is the challenge bold and ambitious, and designed to signiicantly improve quality of life for the targeted audience? Will it result in systemic change that will continue to beneit individuals over time? Feasible (5­25) Are the steps of instruction provided in the challenge possible to be implemented with the proposed strategy? Does the challenge indicate a thorough understanding of how to successfully implement the solution and see evidence of results within the proposed period? Equitable (5­25) Does the challenge support those who are in need of a lifestyle change? Are issues of health problems related to healthy eating clearly and convincingly mitigated? 96 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Scalable (5­25) Does the challenge have the potential to be expanded, replicated, and/or adapted to meet the growing needs of tergated participants context and/or geographic scope? Is the challenge creator prepared to position their results as a model for others working toward similar goals? My Healthy Meal Background Adolescents (10 – 19 years old) in Indonesia consume inadequate amounts of protein, fruits and vegetables, and excessive amounts of Na and western fast food. Adolescent malnutrition is a growing global concern. Behavior acquired during adolescence often lasts into adulthood and inluences peers. For some, health risks such as obesity and its psychological cost may also persist in adulthood. Adolescents’ nutritional status plays an essential role in the health of their offspring, particularly for girls. Thus, adolescence is a critical period to instill positive dietary and health behaviors. Source: Enrichment Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 97 What to Do Step 1 (Do this for at least a week) Track the food you eat at home over the next day. Fill in the following Food Daily Tracking Sheet. Day/Date: ___________________________________ Write the food and beverage you consume today Breakfast Snack 1 Lunch Dinner Snack 2 Activity Rice Vegetables Fruits Milk or other dairy product Meat/beans Soda Water Note: You may modify the column of food names according to your daily diet. Step 2 Examine your meal records with a partner and take turns playing the role of nutritionist to give feedback. You may ask whether you have consumed enough vegetables? Too much sugar? What should you improve in your diet composition? 98 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Step 3 Visit the following website to learn more about healthy meals in Indonesia. Step 4 Plan your healthy meal menu for a day. Follow the success criteria; 1. A creative title for the menu that is unique to you. Example: Delicate Dishes 2. Include three meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner. 3. Have an "appetizing" description for every meal. 4. Each of your three meals must have at least one food from each of the 5 main food groups; grains, meats/protein, vegetables, fruits and milk/dairy. 5. The meal should have an image that represents it as closely as possible. 6. Include a healthy snack with foods from at least two food groups. You can ind these online or in many magazines and cookbooks. 7. The design must be eye­catching and should not distract from the information being presented. 8. Use the worksheet to brainstorm the meals you are going to include on your menu. Adapted from: Chapter 4 Healthy Foods 99 Menu Title: Breakfast: Grain: Protein/meat: Fruit: Vegetable: Milk/Dairy: Description of breakfast: Lunch: Grain: Protein/meat: Fruit: Vegetable: Milk/Dairy: Description of lunch: Dinner: Grain: Protein/meat: Fruit: Vegetable: Milk/Dairy: Description of Dinner: Healthy snacks: Recipe of healthy snack Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the worksheet you need to do in each task: content/media/doc/BS-Inggris-Ch4.docx 100 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Step 5 Present your menu in the form of a gallery and do the gallery walk to see your classmates’ menu. Picture 4.10 Gallery walk Semester 2 Theme: Art C a h p t e r 5 Graiti C a h p t e r 6 Fractured Stories Semester 2 In this semester, will these you learn topics: In each chapter there are various tasks for you to practice. You can copy worksheets or perform tasks on a separate sheet of paper. You can also scan QR Code or visit the link provided in the end of each chapter. 102 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Gra ti KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) Have you seen any graffiti in your neighborhood? 5 Chapterer After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal expository text presented in multimodal form about graiti. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally about graiti. 3. write an expository text about graiti with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. Expository text is a text that conveys fact and opinion about a topic. One form of expository text is analytical exposition. Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about an issue. It adopts a position with respect to the issue that becomes the subject of the writing and provides evidence in support of that position. It aims to persuade the readers to adopt the position taken by the writer. It consists of a statement of position. arguments, and reiteration or conclusion. Do You Know? Instructional Objectives 104 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Chapter 5 Graiti 105 Questions to Think About 1. Have you seen any graiti in your neighborhood? 2. In your own words, describe what graiti is. Task 1 A Let’s Have a Game We are going to play a game called “Name a Name”. Please choose one word or expression which is related to Art. Prepare simple information on the word/expression. Write down the word/ expression you hear in the Vocabulary Box. Vocabulary Box 106 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Listen and Match Write the name of the picture that the teacher will say. Name Description Picture ______________ One’s name as written by oneself Picture 5.1 Graiti 1 Source: Geralt/ (2022) ______________ A writer’s signature with spray paint or marker Picture 5.2 Graiti 2 Source: Jimmy Oisia/ (2022) ______________ Drawings or inscriptions made on a wall or other surface Picture 5.3 Graiti 3 Source: Duncan Stevens/unsplah. com (2022) ______________ A large picture painted on the wall Picture 5.4 Graiti 4 Source: Dominico Loia/unsplash. com (2022) Chapter 5 Graiti 107 Name Description Picture ______________ To write hastily or carelessly Picture 5.5 Graiti 5 Source: John Cameron/ (2022) C Let’s Discuss Discuss with your classmates which names of the objects in the table you consider the name of artwork. Be prepared to justify your opinions. Task 2 A Listen and Write Listen to an audio recording about graiti, then write the words related to Art that you hear. Words related to Art that you hear How do you say the words in Bahasa Indonesia 108 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Listen and Check Listen to an audio recording about graiti again. Decide whether these statements are true, false or not given. No. Statements True False Not Given 1. The irst graiti was found in Egypt 2. A mural can be called graiti. 3. Inexperienced graiti artists are called ‘crews’. 4. Some graiti artists sold their works to art galleries and became famous. 5. Each artist has his or her own ‘tag’. 6. Graiti as a youth culture began in Europe. 7. Graiti is more popular in Europe than in Asia. Chapter 5 Graiti 109 Task 3 A Let’s Read Expository Text 1: Why Should Graiti be Considered Art? In this article, I will explain why graiti is art, and I will explain how graiti is essential in our culture. There are some reasons why graiti shows us the potential that life has to offer. First, graiti enables the public to see something they may have never seen before. It connects them to the artist, and the artist gets to know that their work is loved and affects those who see it. They can take a simple old building or any piece of art on the side of a building and turn it into a masterpiece by putting their mark on it. The artists who paint graiti have made this art form what it is today. Graiti artists can change the meaning of what they are drawing to the public. Second, graiti has the power to affect people positively. The people who create it are expressing themselves. They are expressing their artistic abilities and their voices through a canvas. Their voices are the voices of our future. You can Picture 5.6 Graiti is art. Sumber: Darshan Patel/ unsplash/7pxrvUbp62A (2020) 110 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X tell the quality of a person’s painting by the audience that they are drawing. People will stand and watch you paint for hours. Many times, they will stand and look, never once moving from their spots. People will then tell you how much they like it and share their thoughts and opinions. The artists are no longer making art for themselves. The last reason why graiti is an art is because of its uniqueness.Graiti can be made with many different materials, but its most common form is made by applying paint to a building’s wall. Graiti is made by someone utterly other than the artist, which means no two pieces are the same. Graiti is a form of expression because it gives the reader or viewer the chance to see something different from their everyday life. Graiti art is not meant to be understood by everyone, but everyone is meant to be appreciated. Thus, as part of the existing society, every person must strive to educate themselves of the origins of graiti and how it has evolved to this very day. A stock of knowledge doesn’t hurt; instead, it is a door that leads to understanding and more positivity. Adapted from: (Retrieved March 5, 2022) Expository Text 2: Graiti is Always Vandalism Anyone who gloriies graiti needs to answer one question: If your home were tagged during the night without your consent, would you welcome the new addition to your décor or would you immediately call a painter, if not the police? Chapter 5 Graiti 111 First of all, graiti is something that one celebrates, if one is juvenile enough to do so, when it shows up on someone else’s property but never on one’s own. No institution that has celebrated graiti in recent years — like the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles or the Museum of the City of New York — would allow its own premises to be defaced for even one minute. Next, the question “When does graiti become art?” is meaningless. Graiti is always vandalism. By deinition, it is committed without permission on another person’s property, in an adolescent display of entitlement. Whether particular viewers ind any given piece of graiti artistically compelling is irrelevant. Graiti’s most salient characteristic is that it is a crime. Furthermore, John Lindsay, the progressive New York politician who served as mayor from 1966 to 1973, declared war on graiti in 1972. He understood that graiti signaled that informal social controls and law enforcement had broken down in New York’s public spaces, making them vulnerable to even greater levels of disorder and law­breaking. A 2008 study from the Netherlands has shown that physical disorder and vandalism have a contagious effect, conirming the “broken windows theory.” In conclusion, there is nothing “progressive” about allowing public amenities to be defaced by graffiti; anyone who can Picture 5.7 Graiti is always vandalism. Sumber: Baptiste/ unsplash/0otbIkKe3xw (2021) 112 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X avoid a graiti-bombed park or commercial thoroughfare will do so, since tagging shows that an area is dominated by vandals who may be involved in other crimes as well. Adapted from: when-does-graiti-become-art/graiti-is-always-vandalism (Retrieved March 6, 2022) B Let’s Answer Read the statements and decide if they are found/discussed in either Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2. Tick the appropriate box. Tick both, if the statement is found/discussed in both Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2. Tick neither, if the statement is not found/discussed in both Expository Text 1 or Expository Text 2. Read the two texts again carefully this time, pay attention to the details, then select the best answer. Expository Both Neither Your Text 1 Text 2 Notes Graiti is art Graiti is always vandalism Graiti is celebrate by those who are juvenile Chapter 5 Graiti 113 Graiti connects the public and the artist Graiti turns simple building into a masterpiece Graiti has the power to affect people positively Graiti is committed without permission on another person’s property No two pieces of graiti are the same Physical disorder and vandalism have a contagious effect Everyone is meant to be appreciated The one who created graiti is usually involves in other crimes as well 114 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X C Let’s Compare Compare Expository Text 1 and Expository Text 2 by completing the table. Expository Text 1 Expository Text 2 What is the author claiming? What reasons does the author use to support the claim? What evidence does the author include? What does the author say as the closing? Chapter 5 Graiti 115 D Let’s Discuss Now in group, discuss how do the two expository texts structure their ideas to achieve their goals? Task 4 A Let’s Discuss You are going to play a board game. Your teacher is going to tell you how to play the game. Start I have favorite graiti artist I believe that graiti is a form of art I will get angry when someone make graiti in my property I think graiti artists are talented I have ever created a graiti I want to be a graiti artist inish I think I like graiti For me, graiti is vandalism I can write my name in graiti style Picture 5.8 Board game 116 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Let’s Share Now share with the class interesting opinions you ind from your classmates regarding the statements on the board game. Task 5 A Let’s Read Now, read the following posts written by Hanif and Soia. Picture 5.9 Social media status Source: Dwiharyanti/ (2022) Chapter 5 Graiti 117 Picture 5.10 Social media status Source: Dwiharyanti/ (2022) B Let’s Discuss 1. Why do you think they write the posts? 2. Which writer do you agree with? Explain your answer. Refer to what is written on the posts. 3. How would you feel if somebody painted graiti on your property? 4. Who owns the graiti? If somebody paints on your property, can you legally claim the artwork as your own? 5. In your opinion, what would the world be like without graiti? 118 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X C Let’s Make a List People always have different opinion about something, including Graiti. Some people think that graiti is art. Others think it is an act of vandalism. With your classmates, list in the table below reasons why people think graiti is art or an act of vandalism. Graiti is Art Graiti is Vandalism Graiti can decorate a community in some peoples’ eyes Graiti makes an area look run-down Task 6 Think and Plan Think about your position regarding graiti. Explain your stance on graiti. Consult the list you have made in Task 5 to help you write your idea. Write your draft in the expository writing organizer below. Chapter 5 Graiti 119 Expository Writing Organizer Introduction Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Conclusion Picture 5.11 Writing organizer Task 7 A Let’s Write 120 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Do a Review Self Peer My writing starts with an interesting statement to attract readers’ attention. The main issue is at the beginning of the essay (Introduction). There are at least 3 parts – an introduction, argument, and conclusion. Facts are provided to support the arguments. Writing avoids repeating the same words over & over. Writing is edited for: a. Capitalization b. Punctuation c. Spelling Writing has a conclusion that wraps the passage as a whole. Writing consist of 200 to 250 words. My text uses another mode (picture). B Publish your Writing Make the necessary changes in your writing based on your classmate’s suggestions. Turn in your work for a inal review by your teacher. You can publish your writing in the media of your choice. Chapter 5 Graiti 121 Chapter Review Q: What do you think about graiti? A: Q: Mention four words related to graiti. A: Q: What are two arguments that support those who see graiti as art? A: Q: Give two reasons why people believe that graiti is vandalism. A: Q: For and against are antonyms, give two antonyms for “create”? A: Q: Write one expression to show that you agree with someone’s opinion. A: Q: What are three parts of expository text? A: 122 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Q: Write two sentences that indicate you dislike graiti. A: Q: Why do you think people do graiti in public places? A: Comment: Relection My Graiti Wall Imagine you are a graiti artist. Your teacher will provide you with a “wall” to create your graiti. Transfer the message of what you know about graiti and what you have learned during this chapter to the wall. You may write as many things as possible related to the topic, lesson objective, and the skills you have learned as well as the questions you have. Scribble your words here before you transfer the theme to the graiti wall. Chapter 5 Graiti 123 A ssessment Group Project: Public Survey By the end of this project you will come up with a survey result of what the public think about graiti. Steps: 1. Planning ● Pinpoint your target demographic (the target can be your peers, neighbors, teachers, online followers, etc.) ● Identify the number of respondents you need. ● Pick the right moment to conduct the survey 2. Creating ● Decide how will you design and create the survey 3. Conducting ● Send the survey to the targeted respondents 4. Presenting ● Present the survey result in the form of short expository essay that talks about public opinion about graiti. Include the survey result as the facts to support your arguments in the essay. 124 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Scoring Rubric for Survey Category Poor Fair Good Question The question is open­ended The question is a multiple choices The question is a multiple choice question with three or more choices Bias The survey question is phrased with a bias The survey question is phrased with somewhat of a bias The survey question is phrased without a bias Punctuality Does not turn in a survey Survey is turned in a day late Survey is turn in on time Neatness The survey is not neat at all The survey is somewhat neat The survey is very neat Scoring Rubric for Essay Introduction Does the introduction effectively begin the essay, including the main idea and preview of the main points? Excellent The introduction does an excellent job of presenting the main issue and giving previews of the main points. Good The introduction simply states the topic, has a preview of the main points, but does not effectively attract readers’ attention. Fair Introduction is functional but not exceptional. Poor Introduction is very weak and does not have a preview of the main points. Chapter 5 Graiti 125 Supporting Details Does each argument supported by facts correlate to the survey result? Excellent Each argument is supported by facts and can tell more about the issue being discussed. Good Each argument supports the main issue but there are no follow up about the details. Fair Some of the arguments support the main issue but there are some that do not. Poor Arguments do not support the main issue stated in the introduction. Logical Order Does the order of the supporting details make sense? Excellent The essay is developed in a logical order appropriate to the writer’s purpose and readers’ needs. Good Most of the essay is presented in a logical order, and readers should have little trouble following the supporting details. Fair The writer attempts to develop the essay in a logical order, but some of the essay may be presented in an order readers may ind confusing. Poor The supporting details within the essay as a whole are not developed in a logical order. Conclusion Does the conclusion restate the topic in a new way to tie the details together? 126 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Responding to Graiti Background Picture 5.12 Gritty Graiti Indonesia Source: gritty graiti/ (2021) Watch the video entitled Gritty Graiti Indonesia. Enrichment Excellent The conclusions do an excellent job of summing up or restating the topic and tying the details together. Good The conclusion sums up the topic, by restating it, but it does tie the details together. Fair There is an attempt at a conclusion, but it doesn’t restate the topic or tie the details together. Poor There is no conclusion; the essay just ends without summing up or restating the topic. It doesn’t tie the details together. Chapter 5 Graiti 127 Some Indonesians, especially the elderly, still see graiti as vandalism but the younger generation is slowly warming up to the idea of having art on the roadside. Indonesian netizens have lately rallied against removal of graiti and arrest of artists. So much so even the police tried to win public support by holding a graiti competition and reversing the arrests earlier this year. Indonesia is inally seeing graiti as a rising contemporary art and Fivust is at the forefront. Source: What to Do Step 1 Record the graiti you can ind in your neighborhood with photographs with the following details: 1. Record general views of the area and building, as well as details of the graiti, the surface and its condition 2. Include a scale in the photograph (for example, an object such as a newspaper or water bottle) 3. If possible, photograph any items, such as paint canisters or stencils, left at or near the scene by the graitist. Step 2 Respond to the graiti you have recorded. In pairs, and using a Plus, Minus, Interesting (PMI) strategy, consider the question ‘Is graiti art or vandalism?’ Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the worksheet you need to do in each task: content/media/doc/BS-Inggris-Ch5.docx 128 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Some words that may help you to express your response are: beautiful, expressive, eyesore, disturbing, destructive, and costly. Step 3 Relate them to the value of Proil Pelajar Pancasila. Visit this website for further explanation about the 6 values of Proil Pelajar Pancasila. Select relevant values from the six values of proil pelajar Pancasila to support your view, or you may also add other values that are not listed. For example, if “kreatif” (creative) is selected as a value, then graiti may primarily be thought of as an art, but if civic responsibility is the main consideration, then graiti may be thought of as an act of vandalism. Fractured Stories KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN, KEBUDAYAAN, RISET, DAN TEKNOLOGI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2022 Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Penulis: Budi Hermawan, Dwi Haryanti, dan Nining Suryaningsih ISBN: 978-602-244-897-6 (jil.1) What makes a good story? 6 Chapterer After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected to be able to: 1. identify context, main ideas and detailed information from an oral and verbal narrative text presented in multimodal form about fractured stories. 2. communicate simple ideas and opinions in various discussions, collaborative activities and presentations orally about fractured stories. 3. write an expository text about fractured stories with an appropriate structure of organization and linguistic features and present it. Narrative is a text that tells a story which aims to entertain the audience. It has elements such as plot, characters, and point of view. It consists of orientation, complication, and resolution. It often uses past tense. Do You Know? Instructional Objectives 130 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Questions to Think About 1. Have you read or heard a good story? 2. What makes a good story? Task 1 A Let’s Ponder Think about the questions carefully before you answer. 1. What would happen if the hare won the race? Picture 6.1 Hare race 2. What would happen if Malin Kundang’s mother forgave him? Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 131 Picture 6.6 Malin Kundang (E) Picture 6.7 Malin Kundang (F) E F Picture 6.2 Malin Kundang (A) Picture 6.4 Malin Kundang (C) Picture 6.3 Malin Kundang (B) Picture 6.5 Malin Kundang (D) B Listen and Conirm Listen to a story from an audio recording. Put the number for each picture based on the story you listened to. A B C D 132 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X C Listen and Take Notes Listen to the audio recording about a story. Write some important points like in the picture below. Complication ____________________ ____________________ Orientation ____________________ ____________________ Resolution ____________________ ____________________ Important intrinsic elements: 1. 2. 3. How the story is organized Picture 6.8 Organization of a story D Let’s Discuss With your classmates, discuss how the ‘alternative’ version of the story differs from the traditional version. Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 133 Task 2 A Let’s Play Your teacher will read part of a story. Decide what title and part of the story is read to you. Example: Listening Script Story Title Part of the story you hear Notes Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her stepsisters prevent her from going. Cinderella Complication It’s your turn. Story title Part of the story Your notes B Let’s Alternate Look at the story you heard in Task 2 Part A again. In a group of two or three, think of an alternative ending to the story. 134 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Task 3 A Read and Answer (Part 1) Little Red Riding Hood (Traditional Version) One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother gave her a basket with some cake inside and told her to walk through the forest to the other side where her grandmother lay sick in bed. “Remember not to talk to strangers!” Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said. On the way to her grandmother’s house, Little Red Riding Hood met the Big Bad Wolf. “Where are you going little girl?” he asked with his biggest smile. “To my grandmother’s house on the other side of the forest,” said Little Red Riding Hood who had forgotten what her mother told her. Picture 6.9 Red Riding Hood (Traditional version) Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 135 The wolf took a shortcut and ran ahead to Grandmother’s house. When he got there, he went inside and swallowed Grandmother whole! Then he put on her cap and nightgown and climbed into her bed. When Little Red Riding Hood got there, she walked right up to the bed. “Grandmother! What big ears you have,” she said. “All the better to hear you with my dear,” said the wolf. “And what big eyes you have,” she said. “All the better to see you with my dear,” said the wolf. “And what big teeth you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “All the better to eat you with!” said the wolf and he jumped out of bed and started chasing Little Red Riding Hood. A man who was chopping wood in the forest heard Little Red Riding Hood. He came inside and hit the wolf over the head with his axe. The wolf fell to the ground, and Grandmother popped out of his mouth. Then the woodsman, Little Red Riding Hood, and Grandmother all had cake and tea. Source: (Retrieved: March 23 2022) 1. Why did Little Red Riding Hood walk through the forest? 2. What rule did Little Red Riding Hood break when she talked to the wolf? 3. Why did the wolf ask Little Red Riding Hood where her grandmother lived? 4. What might happen if the woodsman were not there? 136 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X B Read and Answer (Part 2) Little Red Riding Hood (A Fractured Fairy Tale) POV: The Wolf So I’m packing up my troubles in an old kit bag in the woods when I hear a twig snap. I turned to see a Little Red Hooded Teen with a picnic basket that said: “Mommy’s little girl” along with a picture of the girl yawning. “Hey, Lil Hood, I like that basket.” I rolled my eyes. “Whateva’, I need to text Granny that you are utterly creeping me out.” She threw a piece of gum in her mouth and stared into my eyes while chewing. A few seconds later, she pulled out a smartphone and pushed me out of the way. I started to follow her. “So, what’s in the basket?” I asked. She backed away from me. I reached into my pocket for the Friendship Coupon I got for my birthday. Instead I pulled out an “I will eat you” coupon used for The Three Thousand Humongous Pigs restaurant, Picture 6.10 Red Riding Hood (A Fractured Fairy Tale) Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 137 which enables you to get an all­you­can­eat dinner. She screamed an ear­piercing scream that made me roar and fall to the ground and curl up. “It’s an armadillo­wolf and it’s going to, like, totally attack me!” She shrieked and ran into the woods. A troop of seven dwarves marched out of the trees. They all turned towards me. “We’re the Seven Levels of awesomeness,” a red shirted dwarf said in a squeaky voice and then played a high chord on an electric guitar. The dwarf started to explain a boring history story. As soon as his eyes crossed, I stepped over the whole row of dwarves in one step. I continued to look for the Girl. “I want to be friends with you!” I yelled. “You are, like, a liar!!!” She responded from behind an incredibly noticeable tree trunk. “You, like, just gave yourself away!” I replied. She ran out from behind the tree. “I don’t have a job! So please don’t eat me!” she yelled. What a terrible excuse. “Yes you do! You have a delivery job!” I spat back. She groaned. “Ugh! It’s like mom all over again!” “Mom?” She led for the second time. As she ran away I saw a label on her basket. It said ‘To Grandma, 2235 NE Forest Ct.’ Hmmm …. Maybe …, just maybe, I could be friends with Little Hood there. I arrived at the old lady’s door when I saw my old friend, Bob­wolf, chasing three little pirates in the brig. He had recently chased three little famous pig chefs but that’s a whole different… uh… mall game, I think. Anyway, I knocked on the door. “Who is it?” a sweet voice of a grandma called. 138 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X “The uh, Crayola department?” I answered. Wow, that was lame. “Come in,” the grandma said. As soon as I entered, the grandma was so scared she jumped into my mouth. I accidentally swallowed the sweet little woman. BLECH! Was she dis­gusting. At the worst time in possible times that are worse than worst times, Little Hood showed up. “Gra-any! I brought your cookies!” she sang. COOKIES!!! I DESPISE cookies. I swallow an old lady to make friends with somebody because I want to know what’s in a basket, just for cookies! WOW, is my life messed up. “Okay, I’ll take the cookies now my beloved Hooded Girl -- I mean, Granddaughter,” I said in my best old lady voice. I waited at least a minute. “‘Kay Grandma. Now let me hand you the goodies,” she inally said. I reached a paw out. “Wow, Grammy, what big paws you have,” she said in a slightly frightened tone. “Aren’t you a bit too old to be concerned about what your Granny looks like?” I scolded back with a hint of worry. I heard a bubble pop. “No and F-Y-I, I’m only, like, fourteen.” She sassed. “Wait, humans can’t have paws! Hey, you’re the creepy armadillowolf who wrote a note card that said ‘I will eat you’!” I step guiltily out of the door. “You caught me red handed, wait no, you caught me by my hand.” I gazed at my hand. The girl slapped it out of the way. “Enough chit-chat!” She said and then screamed, “DOCTOR!!!” One quote unquote Seven Levels of Awesomeness dwarf with a doctor coat appeared on the top of my head. Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 139 “Pull out my Grandma!” the hooded girl ordered. “Don’t do it!” I said with a creaky voice. The dwarf reached his hand into my throat. He pulled out a frog. “Boy, you have a frog in your throat,” he said. I didn’t speak a word. “Cat got your tongue?” The dwarf said, and pulled out a cat. “You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?” Finally, after tons and tons of terrible puns in my mouth, grandma was pulled out. Then we all lived tax­free ever after. Source: Answer the following questions. 1. Who told the story? 2. What made the girl scream an ear piercing scream? 3. How could the world ind out Grandma’s place? 4. What made the girl realize that it was not her grandma who take the goodies? 5. What is meant by “cat got your tongue? In “Cat got your tongue?” The dwarf said, and pulled out a cat.” 6. What would happen if the grandma did not jump into the wolf’s mouth? C Let’s Compare Fill in the table below to compare the traditional story in Task A and fractured story in Task 3 point B. Did both stories … Yes No Have all the same characters? Have the same setting? 140 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Did both stories … Yes No Have the same beginning? Have the same middle? End the same way? Have the same main characters? Have the same problems? D Let’s Discuss Use the following venn diagram to decide which part of the stories are the same or different. Text A Text B Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 141 Task 4 A Let’s Get Together Your teacher is going to give you a part of a story. You have to retell the part you are given to your classmates and ind classmates whose story parts relate to your part and make a complete whole story. B Talk About it Sit with those classmates and together rearrange the story into a complete meaningful story. Discuss the text in terms of its structure, and intrinsic elements such as characters, plot and setting. 1. Why do you arrange the story like that? 2. What kind of clues do you ind in each excerpt to help you make the arrangement? Task 5 Let’s Have a Discussion Discuss with your group the possibilities if you make some changes to the story. Follow the organization below. ● What if 142 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X ● What is next? ● Presenting ­ Storyboard Task 6 A Make a Draft Choose one short story that you know. You can browse the internet to ind the story. Make your draft of the changes that you want to make to the story. As a start you can make a change only to some of the elements of the story; only the setting, only the characters, or only the ending of the story. As you become more conident you can write a draft that rewrites the whole story. Follow the text organizer below. Narrative Text Organizer Traditional version My version (Fractured) Title Characters Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 143 Setting Problems Solution B Put a Checklist No. I have done the following Yes No 1. Change a word in a familiar title. 2. Insert a new character or swap characters. 3. Change an important object. 4. Change the setting. 5. Change the point of view. 6. Change the story resolution. 7. Use another mode (picture) in my text. 144 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Task 7 A Let’s Write Write a fractured story based on the draft in Task 6. Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 145 B Let’s Review Do the review by putting the checklist. No. I have done the following Yes No 1. Change a word in a familiar title. 2. Insert a new character or swap characters. 3. Change an important object. 4. Change the setting. 5. Change the point of view. 6. Change the story resolution. 7. Use another mode (picture) in my text. C Publish Your Writing Make the necessary changes in your writing based on your classmate’s suggestions. Turn in your work for a inal review by your teacher. You can publish your writing in the media of your choice. Chapter Review Q: What is your most favorite Indonesian story? Why? A: Q: Mention four intrinsic elements of the story. A: 146 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Q: Use two words to describe the character of Little Red Riding Hood in its traditional story? A: Q: In the Little Red Riding Hood, do you like the wolf in the traditional version or in the fractured version? Why? A: Q: Name two reasons why you need to be familiar with the story before you make it into a fractured version. A: Q: Give four things that are usually mentioned in the introduction part of the story. A: Q: If you could change the story of Cinderella, name two different settings where you would like the story to happen. A: Q: Why do you think creating a fractured version of a traditional story is a good idea? A: Q: Write two sentences that can be the beginning of a fairy tale. A: Comment: Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 147 To relect on the chapter, please compare what you know to what your classmates know. Fill in the venn diagram below to know the similar understanding that you get about the chapter. Relection What I know What we both know What my classmate knows Relection 148 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X A ssessment You will plan, write, illustrate and publish your own children’s picture books based on the writing you produce in Task 7. Steps 1. Plan The elements Your plan Target audience Book pages Sources ­ Logistics Other … 2. Write Use the template below as a guide for organizing the text of your story. This template is a suggestion of how the text of a 10­page children’s picture storybook could be organized. It does not include the illustrations. You may add more pages to your storybook. Page 1 Introduce the characters. Establish the setting. Page 2 to 3 Introduce the main conlict. Page 4 to 5 Actions taken to deal with the conlict. Resulting complication. Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 149 Page 6 to 7 Actions taken to deal with the conlict. Resulting complications. Page 8 to 9 Climax. Presentation of the correct action for solving the conlict. Page 10 Resolution 3. Illustrate The illustration serves as a partner to the text. Don’t worry that your artwork is not “good enough” to use as illustrations. The illustrations should serve as visual communication of the plot. 4. Publish You may publish the book the way you are capable of. Here are the tips if you want to publish the book in a hardcopy version. Book-binding tips: • Staple the book on the side. Then glue a strip of ribbon or construction paper over the staples for a more aesthetically pleasing look. • Tape the pages together. Again, you can decorate the spine with a ribbon or construction paper. • Sew the book together with needle and thread. See http:// for more information. 150 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Grading Rubric Title Exceeding Standard Descriptive, appropriate, interesting Meeting Standard Provide a clue about the main character or setting of the story Approaching Standard Somewhat related to the story Below Standard Is unrelated to the story Setting Exceeding Standard Unusual, creative setting which creates dramatic tension in story Meeting Standard Setting adds interest to the story Approaching Standard Clear setting in a speciic time/place Below Standard Setting is unclear or unremarkable Sequencing Exceeding Standard Has transition words between events and lows from beginning to end Meeting Standard Flows in a logical order Approaching Standard Events are in order but there are gaps Below Standard Unclear because the events are not in order Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 151 Development Exceeding Standard Has precise language which describes details unique to the setting and appropriate to the resolution Meeting Standard Has many interesting details Approaching Standard Has adequate details but is in a “telling” voice. Below Standard Very brief without details Character Development Exceeding Standard New characters are created. Their feelings and description are clearly revealed. Meeting Standard Characters are developed in a way that are similar to the original story but contain a few unique elements Approaching Standard Characters are developed using a descriptive approach only Below Standard Characters are not suiciently developed Gramar and Spelling Exceeding Standard Only a few mistakes in the story Meeting Standard Some minor mistakes in the story Approaching Standard Many mistakes but it is possible to make out the plot of the story Below Standard Hard to understand because of many misspelled words and poor sentence construction 152 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X From Story to Movie Background One of the most popular recent productions of modern fractured fairy tales is Shrek, a movie about an ogre who must rescue a princess. The foundation of the story contains the major plot points and framework of classic fairy tales: a distressed damsel awaits savior by a knight in shining armor atop a white steed. In addition, the damsel is trapped inside a tall tower protected by a dragon. Consequently, the ogre must slay the dragon in order to save the Princess. However, Shrek is a fractured fairy tale. The story repeatedly diverges from the traditional fairy tale story plot and includes a range of classic characters who contribute to the overall story. Source: What to Do Step 1 Watch a movie that is produced as the fractured form of fairy tales. Here are the recommended titles. 1. Peter Pan (2003) 2. Beauty and the beast (2017) 3. Snow white and the huntsman (2012) 4. The huntsman: Winter’s war (2016) 5. Maleicent (2014) 6. Into the woods (2014) Enrichment Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 153 7. Red Riding Hood (2011) 8. Ever after: A Cinderella story (1998) 9. Cinderella (2015) 10. The little mermaid (2018) 11. Jack and the giant slayer (2013) 12. Hansel and Gretel: Which Hunters (2013) 13. Mirror Mirror (2012) 14. The Brothers Grimm (2005) 15. Alice in Wonderland (2010) 16. Pan (2015) 17. Tangled (2010) 18. Neverland (2011) 19. The Princess and the Frog (2009) 20. Cinderella (2021) Step 2 Read the original story of the chosen movie you have watched. You may switch the order of step 1 and step 2. Step 3 Compare the original story to the movie by answering the following questions. 1. What parts of the original story were left out of the movie? 2. Did the movie add anything (plot points, characters, etc.) that were not in the original version? 3. Did you like the movie or the story version better? Why? 4. Did you imagine the characters differently when reading the story than they were portrayed on screen? 154 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X 5. Why do you think the movie producers changed the story in the way they did? 6. In the case of a story versus its movie version, how did the ilm change the lighting and/or setting as opposed to the original story? Adapted from: Step 4 Write your answers to the questions in the form of a short essay. Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the worksheet you need to do in each task: content/media/doc/BS-Inggris-Ch6.docx Scan the following QR Code or visit the link to download the audio recording: content/media/rar/ Chapter 6 Fractured Stories 155 Glossary art (n) : the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power artwork (n) : illustrations, photographs, or other nontextual material prepared for inclusion in a publication: athlete (n) : a person who is proicient in sports and other forms of physical exercise bingo game (n) : a game of chance played with cards that are typically printed with ive rows of ive squares each blood bank (n) : a place where supplies of blood or plasma for transfusion are stored board game (n) : any game played on a board, especially one that involves the movement of pieces on the board, such as chess or checkers. brainstorm (n) : a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems checklist (n) : a list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder. 156 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X culture (n) : the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively descriptive text (n) : a text which says what a person or a thing is like diet (n) : the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats expository text (n) : text that exists to provide facts in a way that is educational fairy tale (n) : a children’s story about magical and imaginary beings and lands; a fairy story istights (n) : a ight with bare ists ive senses (n) : the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch fractured story (n) : a story which makes use of a traditional story but restructures and reimagines, with the aim of greater nuance and with a contemporary sensibility in mind graiti (n) : writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place health (n) : the state of being free from illness or injury healthy (adj) : in good health infographic (n) : a visual image such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data interview (n) : a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation. Glossary 157 journal (n) : a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary juvenile (adj) : of, for, or relating to young people logical order (adj) : the organization of ideas from general to speciic, which enhances the overall quality of writings masterpiece (n) : a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship mental health (n) : the ability to think, learn, and understand one’s emotions and the reactions of others multimodal text (n) : combination of two or more communication modes nutrient (n) : a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life nutritionist (n) : a person who studies or is an expert in nutrition olympic games (n) : a modern sports festival held traditionally every four years in different venues, instigated by the Frenchman Baron de Coubertin (1863–1937) in 1896. Athletes representing more than 200 countries compete for gold, silver, and bronze medals in a great variety of sports. Since 1992, the Summer Games and Winter Games alternate every two years paralympian (n) : a competitor in the Paralympic Games paralympic game (n) : an international sports festival for athletes with disabilities, now held every four 158 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X years in conjunction with the Olympic Games picture book (n) : a book containing many illustrations, especially one for children procedure text (n) : text that explains how to complete a task or reach a goal profanity (n) : blasphemous or obscene language scoring rubrics (n) : descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers or other evaluators to guide the analysis of the products or processes of students’ efforts sedentary (adj) : tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive spectator (n) : a person who watches at a show, game, or other event sport (n) : an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment sportsmanship (n) : fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sporting contest: storyboard (n) : a sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue, representing the shots planned for a movie or television production. survey (n) : a research method used for collecting data from a predeined group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest Glossary 159 trait (n) : distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person vandalism (n) : action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property venn diagram (n) : a diagram representing mathematical or logical sets pictorially as circles or closed curves within an enclosing rectangle (the universal set), common elements of the sets being represented by the areas of overlap among the circles virtue (n) : behavior showing high moral standards 160 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X References “Gritty graiti in Indonesia.” Accessed April, 16.2022. Carly. “Little Red Riding Hood (A Fractured Fairy Tale) By the Wolf.” Accessed March 23, 2022. Chamdani, Mahmudah, and Siti Fatimah. “Analyzing the Mental Health of Students in Dealing with the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic (Covid-19)”. Indonesian of Education Journal 10, no.4 (2021).­undiksha.v10i4.30119 Donald, Heather M. “Graiti Is Always Vandalism.” Accessed March 6, 2022. when-does-graiti-become-art/graiti-is-always-vandalism Emilia, E. Pendekatan Genre-Based dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris: Petunjuk untuk Guru. Bandung: Rizqi Press, 2011 “PISA Reading Sample Items.” Accessed March 16, 2022. Item_ENG.pdf Hutomo, Hendy. “A street Artist Named Darbotz.” Accessed April 9. 2022. Interactives.readwritethink. “Little Red Riding Hood.” Accessed March 23, 2022. Jaramillo, Carina. “Fractured Fairy Tale Theater Resources.” Accessed April 9, 2022. fractured-fairy-tales 161 Marris, Lucy. “IELTS Cue Card Sample 46 ­ Describe a Sporting Event You Attended.” Accessed February 7, 2022. https://www. Nordquist, Richard. “Conditional Sentences.” Accessed April 17,2022. https:// Olympics. “Paralympic Badminton Star Leani Ratri Oktila: The pride of Indonesia.” Accessed April 9, 2022. https://olympics. com/en/news/paralympic-badminton-star-leani-ratri-oktilathe-pride-of-indonesia Rachmi, Jusril, and Iwan Ariawan. “Eating behaviour of Indonesian adolescents: a systematic review of the literature.” Public Health Nutrition: 24(S2), s84–s97.(2020). doi:10.1017/ S1368980020002 Reddy, Naveen. “Inspiring Biography of Cristiano Ronaldo.” Accessed February 2, 2022. cristiano-ronaldo-biography/ Skilledatlife. “16 Simple Rules for Healthy Eating.” Accessed February 12, 2022. Study. “Comparing an Original Story to Its Film Version.” Accessed April 16, 2022. Theartbay. “Why Should Graiti Be Considered Art.” Accessed March 5, 2022. Weebly. “My Plate Menu Project.” Accessed April, 16 2022. https:// 162 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Photo Credits Picture 1.2, downloaded from wiki/File:Anthony_Sinisuka_Ginting_-_Indonesia_Masters_201 8. jpg (4 April 2022). Picture 1.3, downloaded from aries_20-1024x594.jpg (3 April 2022). Picture 1.4, downloaded from resources/album/perjuangan-atlet-indonesia-di-olimpiadetokyo-2020//20210724_-_NOC_-_TO2020_-_Medali_Perunggu_dari_ Windy_Cantika_Aisah_cabang_Angkat_Besi_kelas_49kg_-_7.jpg (3 April 2022). Picture 1.5, downloaded from KvXt4bdEFGI8wKMW48g4imlxk=/0x0:1000x667/750x500/data/ photo/2018/05/25/2864980097.jpg (3 April 2022). Picture 1.6, downloaded from 32614970_5ac0da5091_z.jpg (3 April 2022). Picture 1.7, downloaded from jansolo09/4470998715 (6 June 2022). Picture 2.17, downloaded from day-7-paralympic-games-preview (10 May 2022) Picture 4.1, downloaded from wiki/File:Mie_Aceh_with_beef.jpg (1 April 2022). Picture 4.2, downloaded from wiki/File:Crispy_deep-fried_prawn_of_Ulakan.JPG (2 April 2022). Picture 4.3, downloaded from wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Es_pisang_ijo.jpg (5 April 2022). Picture 4.4, downloaded from wiki/File:Jakarta_street-side_Es_Cendol_3.jpg (5 April 2022). Picture 4.5, downloaded from wiki/File:Gado_gado_jakarta.jpg (1 April 2022). References 163 Picture 4.6, downloaded from wiki/File:Food_Tinutuan.JPG (2 April 2022). Picture 4.7, downloaded from (2 April 2022). Picture 4.8, downloaded from ryb%C3%AD-pempek-takjil-6197713/ (1 April 2022). Picture 5.1, downloaded from tanda-tangan-tulisan-tangan-523237/ (14 March 2022). Picture 5.2, downloaded from CmsD8k4HfaM (14 March 2022). Picture 5.3, downloaded from 5r9p0 (14 March 2022). Picture 5.4, downloaded from TPr0Z06Zz2Q (14 March 2022). Picture 5.5, downloaded from xIkr0xwLE (14 March 2022). Picture 5.6, downloaded from 7pxrvUbp62A (24 April 2022). Picture 5.7, downloaded from 0otbIkKe3xw (24 April 2022). Picture 5.10, downloaded from v=ALkWqOORZ48 (24 April 2022). Picture 5.12, downloaded from v=ALkWqOORZ48 (24 April 2022). 164 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Index A accessibility 46 Andreanrama 81, 167 Andryhariana 82 argument 120, 125 art 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 121, 127, 128 artwork 156 assessment 22, 46, 73, 123, 149 athlete 22, 156 B ballon d’Or 12 bingo 65, 66, 156 blood bank 15 board game 115, 116 box 8, 14, 15, 21, 45, 72, 93, 112 brainstorm 22, 24, 25, 98 bubbles 22, 24, 25 buzz 95 C challenge 94, 95, 96 chapter 21, 45, 72, 93, 122, 148 character 144, 146, 147, 151 checklist 19, 43, 73, 76, 144, 146 choice 19, 43, 70, 74, 89, 91, 120, 124, 146 Cinderella 134, 147, 154 circle 8 climax 150 compare 51, 60, 154 complication 149 composition 97 consume 64, 79, 81, 92, 96, 97 culture 157 D descriptive 19, 20, 47, 152, 159 diet 7, 97 discuss 8, 9, 10, 13, 33, 65, 66, 107, 115, 117, 133, 141 discussion 66, 156 dominico 106 draft 68 Duncan 106 E enrichment 27, 50, 77, 96, 153 essay 22, 23, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126, 155 events 33, 42, 44, 52, 77, 151, 158 165 excerpt 142 expository 118, 121, 123 F fauziananta 5 features v, 16, 19, 24, 25 food 84, 86, 97, 168 fouls 36 fractured 102, 129, 137, 143, 161 G gallery 100 Geralt 106 grading 48, 75, 151 graiti 102, 103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 118, 122, 126, 157 Gunawan 81 H health 53, 73, 157, 158, 165 healthy 63, 79, 84, 86, 94, 96, 99, 157 I impairments 28 individual 159 infographic 65, 70 interview 88 introduction 20, 72, 120, 124, 125, 147 J Jimmy 106 John 107, 111 journal 77, 78 juvenile 111, 112 K Kartapranata 81 Kundang 131, 132 L logical 125 Loia 106 Ludovic Péron 9, 11 M masterpiece 109, 113 match 12, 83, 86 meal 85, 86, 97, 98 media 175, 182 mental health 158 menu 98, 100 N nutrients 85, 86 nutritional 85, 96 nutritionist 97 166 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X O objective vi, 122 objective 94 olympic 158, 159 opinion 7, 117, 121, 123 opponent 35, 36 organizer 119, 143 P paralympians 27 paralympic 28, 50, 51, 158 peer 19, 43, 70, 91 personality 7, 21 play 14, 28, 38, 65, 66, 87, 105, 115, 134 plot 142, 150, 152, 153, 154 portrait 22, 23, 25 portrait 24, 25 poster 73, 74, 75, 76 present 47, 49, 74 procedural 69, 90 project 22, 23, 26, 46, 48, 73, 94, 98, 123 project 22, 24, 46, 73, 94, 123 publish 19, 28, 43, 70, 91, 95, 120, 146, 149, 150 Q question 21, 32, 44, 110, 111, 124, 127 R Ratri 27, 166 Red Riding Hood 135, 136, 137, 147, 154 resolution 144, 146, 152 Review 19, 20, 43, 44, 70, 71, 91, 92, 121, 146 Ronaldo 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20 Rubrics 24 S sedentary 159 self 22, 23, 25, 65, 66 Shrek 153 sport 159 sportsmanship 7 statement 86, 112, 120 story 28, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 138, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 165, 166 survey 123, 124, 159 T task 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 31, 33, 34, 38, 40, 42, 55, 60, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 81, 83, 84, 87, 89, 90, 105, 107, 109, 115, 116, 118, 119, Index 167 131, 134, 135, 140, 142, 143, 145, 149 topic 19, 24, 43, 72, 122, 124, 125, 126 traits 6, 20, 22 U underprivileged 15 106, 107 V value 128 vandalism 111, 112, 113, 115, 121, 127, 128 venn diagram 160 vocabulary 6, 9, 13, 32, 37, 60, 83, 105 W watch 32, 33, 40, 41, 44, 89, 92, 110, 126 weight loss 65 woodsman 136 writing 19, 28, 34, 41, 43, 47, 68, 70, 77, 78, 91, 118, 120, 146, 149, 157 Y Yasmina 81 young 12, 158 168 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Proil Pelaku Perbukuan Nama lengkap : Dr. Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Email : Alamat Instansi : Jalan Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung, Jawa Barat Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa Inggris, Analisis Kritis Wacana Multimodal Riwayat Pekerjaan 1. Dosen Bahasa Inggris, di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris UPI Bandung 2022 – Sekarang 2. Penerjemah (Lisan dan Tulisan) 2005 – Sekarang 3. Tutor Bahasa Inggris di Balai Bahasa UPI Bandung 2006 – Sekarang 4. Tutor Bahasa Inggris di PUSBITEK PU Bandung 2007 5. Transcriber di APPEN Chatswood, Sydney Australia 2005 Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar 1. Doktor Linguistik, Universitas Indonesia 2019 2. Master of Professional Communication, University of Sydney, Australia 2006 3. Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, IKIP Bandung 1999 Proil Penulis Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 169 Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) 1. Analisis Wacana Multimodal untuk Pemula, 2021 2. Analisis Multimodal pada Buku Teks Sains, 2020 3. Multimodalitas dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, 2018 Judul Penelitian dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) 1. Abstrak Karya Tulis Ilmiah dan Terjemahannya: Analisis Pola Wacana Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Bahasa Mahasiswa UPI 2020 2. Analisa Multimodal Wacana Kritis Sains untuk Tingkat Dasar di Indonesia 2017 3. Literasi Multimodal dalam Buku Cerita Bergambar untuk Anak­Anak di Indonesia 2014 4. Hubungan Verbal­Visual dalam Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris: Bagaimana Pesan Dikonstruksi dan Dipahami 2013 170 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Nama Lengkap : Nining Suryaningsih, M.Pd. Email : niningsuryaningsih1205@ Instansi : SMPN 2 Padalarang Kabupaten Bandung Barat Alamat Instansi : Jalan Letkol G. A. Manullang Desa Jayamekar Kecamatan Padalarang Kabupaten Bandung Barat Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa Inggris Riwayat Pekerjaan 1. Guru SMPN 1 Cipeundeuy Kabupaten Bandung Barat (2000­ 2008) 2. Guru SMPN 2 Padalarang Kabupaten Bandung Barat (2008­sekarang) 2. Penulis 3. Editor Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar 1. Sarjana Pendidikan IKIP Bandung (1992­1998) 2. Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Unindra Jakarta (2018­2021) Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) 1. Merana karena Siswa (2017) 2. Tersakiti Literasi (2018) 3. Guru Unik, Ngulik (2018) 4. Rasa Spasi Cinta (2019) 5. Terjeda Segenggam Asa (2019) Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 171 6. Siloka Gumelar (2019) 7. Pelatihan Guru ya Begitu (2019) 8. Bukan di Kelas, Belajar Mengajar di Masa Covid­19 (2020) 9. Tertambat Kurikulum Darurat (2020) 10. Purnama di Onkaparinga (2021) Judul Penelitian dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) 1. The Use of Imperative Sentences and Quantiiers in Procedure Text Found in English Textbook Entittled Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade IX (2021) 172 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Nama Lengkap : Dwi Haryanti Email : Instansi : SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon Alamat Instansi : Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 81, Kota Cirebon Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa Inggris Riwayat Pekerjaan 1. Guru Bahasa Inggris SMA Negeri 1 Cirebon (2007 – Sekarang) 2. Guru Bahasa Inggris GET­House of English (2007 – 2011) Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar 1. S1. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (2007) 2. S2. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Semarang (2014) 3. Advanced Specialist in Language Assessment, RELC Singapore (2018) Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) Tidak ada Judul Penelitian dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) 1. Draw Me a Proverb: Enhancing Writing Skills through Wisdom (2017) 2. I Whatsapp an Iguana: An Attempt to Apply Ubiquitous Learning (2017) 3. Tic­Tac­Toe: Tell Me What Did You Do (2017) 4. Like Mentor Like Mentee: How the Perception Correlates to Teaching Performance (2018) Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 173 Nama Lengkap : Windy Hastasasi Email : Instansi : Sekolah Cikal Cilandak Alamat Instansi : Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 18, Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan 12430 Bidang Keahlian : Bahasa Inggris Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. 2020­2022 : Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaaan, Riset, dan Teknologi ­ Penyusun Revisi Panduan Kurikulum Operasional di Satuan Pendidikan (Maret 2022 ­ Saat ini) ­ Penelaah Buku (Maret 2021­ Saat ini) ­ Penyusun Standar Isi (Oktober 2021 ­ Januari 2022) ­ Penelaah Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Modul Ajar (Februari ­ Desember 2020) ­ Penyusun Capaian Pembelajaran (Februari ­ Desember 2020) 2. 2021­2022 : Mentor Praktik Kerja Lapangan Program Magang Kampus Merdeka, Kemendikbudristek (Agustus 2021­Januari 2022) Proil Penelaah 174 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X 3. 2011­sekarang : Sekolah Cikal Cilandak (posisi saat ini: Kepala Sekolah) 4. 2008­2011 : BINUS School Simprug (posisi terakhir: Associate Teacher) Riwayat Pendidikan dan Tahun Belajar: 1. 2009­2012 Universitas Pelita Harapan S2 Manajemen Pendidikan 2. 1999­2003 Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya S1 FKIP Bahasa Inggris Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Judul buku : Fun Learning: Aktivitas Cerdas 5 in 1 Nama pena : Anindya Gayatri Penerbit : Wahyu Media Terbit : 6 Juni 2017 2. Judul buku : Kinder School: Belajar Menulis Huruf & Kosakata Nama pena : Anindya Gayatri Penerbit : Wahyu Media Terbit : 2015 3. Judul buku : Kreatif Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Penulis buku : Tim Tunas Karya Guru Penerbit : Penerbit Duta Terbit : 2014 Judul Penelitian dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): “Hubungan Antara Budaya Organisasi dan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dengan Kepuasan Kerja Guru di Sekolah Dasar Cikal Jakarta Selatan”, 2012 Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 175 Nama Lengkap : Puti Almirsha Hamid, M.Pd. Email : Instansi : Sekolah Cikal Alamat Instansi : Jl. Lebak Bulus I, Jakarta Selatan Bidang Keahlian : Akademik dan Kurikulum Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Sekolah Cikal 2. Yayasan Guru Belajar 3. Pendidikan Guru Penggerak Riwayat Pendidikan dan Tahun Belajar: 1. Kesejahteraan Sosial, FISIP – Universitas Indonesia, 2001 ­ 2006 2. Magister Teknologi Pendidikan – Universitas Pelita Harapan, 2017 ­ 2020 Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Memanusiakan Hubungan – Editor, 2018 2. Merdeka Belajar di Ruang Kelas – Penulis, 2017 Judul Penelitian dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Interdisciplinary Learning of English Literature, Visual Arts and Music to Develop Students’ Understanding of Symbolism Through Interdisciplinary Project – 2020 176 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Nama Lengkap : M Rizal Abdi Email : Bidang Keahlian : Editorial Desain dan Ilustrasi Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Desainer. Hocuspocus Rekavasthu (2006­2012) 2. Desainer editorial dan ilustrator beberapa penerbit indie di Yogyakarta dan Jakarta (2015­sekarang) 3. Staf Pendidikan Publik, Center for Religious and Cross­cultural Studies (CRCS). Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM (2021­sekarang) Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar: 1. S1­Ilmu Komunikasi, Fisipol, UGM (2004) 2. S2­Center for Religious and Cross­cultural Studies (CRCS). Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM (2015) Buku yang Pernah Dibuat Ilustrasi dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Co­Designing Sustainable, Just, and Smart Urban Living: A Monograph, 2019­2021. Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (2022) 2. Buku Siswa dan Buku Panduan Guru Sejarah; Antropologi SMA Kelas XI. Pusat Perbukuan; Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan; Kementerian Pendidikan, Riset, dan Teknologi (2020) 3. The Possibilities for Interreligious Dialogues on Ecology in Indonesia. CRCS UGM (2021) Proil Ilustrator Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 177 4. Agama, Pelestarian Lingkungan, dan Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut. Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (2021) 5. Agama, Sains, dan Pendidikan. Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (2021) 6. Ama Jurubasa: Hayat dan Karya Penerjemah Sunda dan Patih Sukabumi, Raden Kartawinata. Pusat Digitalisasi Pengembangan Budaya Sunda Universitas Padjajaran (2021) 7. Buku Siswa dan Buku Panduan Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial SMP Kelas VII,VIII,IX dan SMA kelas X. Pusat Perbukuan; Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan; Kementerian Pendidikan, Riset, dan Teknologi (2020) 8. UGM Kampus Inklusif. Universitas Gadjah Mada (2020) 9. Buku Cerita Rakyat Kabupaten Taliabu. Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kabupaten Taliabu dan Universitas Khairun, Ternate (2019) 10. Kelakuan Orang Kaya. Puthut EA. Buku Mojok (2019) 11. Hitam Putih Kerajaan Demak. Araska Media (2019) 12. Burmese Days. George Orwell. MataAngin (2019) 13. 9 Bulan, Menjalani Persalinan yang Sehat. Gramedia Pustaka Utama (2019) 14. Menjadi Benih Perlawanan Rakyat. Djaman Baroe (2019) 15. Gus Dur on Religion, Democracy, and Peace. Abdurrahman Wahid. Yayasan LKiS, INFID, dan Gading (2018) 16. Anak Kolong di Kaki Gunung Slamet. Yan Lubis. Penerbit Obor (2018) 17. Wayang and Gamelan. Sumarsam. International Gamelan Festival (2018) 18. Dibuat Penuh Cinta, Dibuai Penuh Harap. Gramedia Pustaka Utama (2016) 178 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Nama lengkap : Nurman Email : Bidang Keahlian : ilustrator dan animator Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Animik Studio ­ Bandung 2. Icon Studio ­ Bandung 3. CAB Animation ­ Bandung 4. Duta Animation ­ Jakarta 5. Mizan Publishing ­ Bandung 6. Millenium Animation ­ Jakarta Riwayat Pendidikan dan Tahun Belajar: 1. SMA Negeri 9 Bandung Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Seri Cerita Balita (Mizan) 2. Seri Cerita Anak Islam Bilingual (Duta) 3. Seri Binatang Laut (Mitra Edukasi) 4. 365 Aktivitas Anak Cerdas (Bintang Indonesia) 5. 365 Aktivitas Anak Muslim 6. Komik Pahlawan Dunia (Animik World) 7. Komik Seri 25 Cerita Nabi dan Rasul (Mizan) 8. 365 Aktivitas Anak Muslim (Mizan) 9. Seri Komik Riko (Sygma) 10. Seri Buku2 Anak Luar Negeri Amerika, Malaysia, Singapore. Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 179 Nama Lengkap : MA. Czarina Gemzon Espiritu Email : Instansi : Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro­Elementary Alamat Instansi : Jl. Perigi Baru no.6, Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan 15428, Banten Indonesia Bidang Keahlian : English Writing and Communication; Curriculum and Instruction in Special Education Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Schola Integrated School, Manila Philippines ­ School Directress, Special Education Teacher (2012­2014) 2. Miriam College, Manila Philippines ­ Miriam College Spirituality Oice - Part Time Program Assistant (2014-2015) 3. Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro Elementary ­ English and Social Studies Teacher (2015­2019), English Coordinator (2019­ 2020), Upper Primary Principal (2020­2021), Lower Primary Principal (2021­present) Riwayat Pendidikan dan Tahun Belajar: 1. Miriam College ­ 1992­1996 Bachelor of Science Major in Behavioral Science 2. Miriam College - 1996-1998 Certiicate Course for Professional Teaching 3. St. Joseph’s College of Quezon City ­ 2013­2015 Master of Arts in Education Major in Special Education Proil Editor 180 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Holy Heroes “Called to be Saints. Sent Forth as Heroes'' ­ Facilvitator’s Manual (2013) Formation Program for the Year of the Laity, Catholic ­ Bishops Conference of the Philippines and Episcopal Commission on the Laity (ECLA) Proil Pelaku Perbukuan 181 Nama Lengkap : Imee Amiatun Email : Bidang Keahlian : Layout/Seting Riwayat Pekerjaan/Profesi (10 Tahun Terakhir): 1. Freelance layout s/d sekarang 2. Layouter PT Sarana Panca Karya Nusa (2004­2009, 2015) 3. Layouter PT Graindo Media Pratama (2017, 2019) Riwayat Pendidikan dan Tahun Belajar 1. Manajemen Informatika - D3 “STMIK AMIKBANDUNG” (2000) Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit (10 Tahun Terakhir) 1. Buku Panduan Guru Matematika Kelas XII, Pusbuk BSKAP Kemdikbud (2021) 2. Buku Siswa dan Buku Guru Kimia Kelas XII (lisensi), Pusbuk BSKAP Kemdikbud (2021) 3. Buku Panduan Guru Matematika Kelas IV, Pusbuk BSKAP Kemdikbud (2020) 4. Kumpulan Soal dan Pembahasan UN Fisika SMA, PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer (2021) 5. Mengenal Manfaat Sukun, Manggis, dan Sirsak, PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer (2021) 6. Buku Teks Bahasa Arab Kelas I-IV SD, PT Graindo Media Pratama (2019) 7. Buku Teks IPS Kelas VII & IX, As­Syifa Learning Center (2019) 8. Ringkasan Materi dan Latihan Soal Matematika Kelas IX SMP/ MTs, Bhuana Ilmu Populer (2019) 9. Buku Teks IPS Kelas VII, PT Graindo Media Pratama (2018) Proil Desainer 182 Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Bahasa Inggris Preface l X Semester 1 Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat, hidayah dan inayah- Nya, sehingga Tim MGMP Pendidikan Pancasila Demak dapat menyelesaikan tugas menyusun bahan ajar berupa bahan ajar Pendidikan Pancasila SMP balk kelas VII, VIII, maupun kelas IX dengan balk dan tepat waktu. Penyusunan bahan ajar ini dimaksudkan disamping untuk menjadi pendamping buku paket Bahasa Indonesia dan pemerintah, juga menambah bahan ajar bagi siswa dan juga guru, sehingga materi pengetahuan, pengembangan sikap, dan keterampilan sesuai nilai-nilai Pancasila bagi peserta didik makin Iengkap. Bahan Ajar Pendidikan Pancasila ini disusun dengan telah menyesuaikan capaian pembelajaran, yang ada dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, bahkan soal-soal yang dikembangkan sebagain besar merupakan soal HOTS, yang dapat dikembangkan dengan mudah menjadi soal AKM oleh guru mapel Pendidikan Pancasila yang bersangkutan. Tim Penyusun bahan ajar ini mengucapkan ucapkan terima kasih kepada pembina MGMP Pendidikan Pancasila yang telah memotivasi dan menfasilitasi kegiatan penyusunan balk secara materi maupun nonmateri, sehingga berhasil menyusun bahan ajar Pendidikan Pancasila . Akhirnya semoga bahan ajar ini dapat bermanfaat bagi guru-guru, serta semua peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah masing-masing, khususnya sekolah-sekolah SMP di Kabupaten Demak. Tim Penyusun Table of Contents Do you have favorite athlete? This picture is one of great athlete. Marc Marquez is a motoGP rider from spain. He is a MotoGP Champion six time. We can describe our favorite athlete in descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text we use to describe something or someone in subjective way. Let’s learn about descriptive text in this chapter carefully. Picture of Marc Marquez. Source: gp/d-6793540/marc-marquez-mau- enggak-gabung-tim-satelit. Descriptive Text about Great Athletes Descriptive text is a text we use to describe something or someone in a subjective way. Some people think that descriptive text is similar to report text. However, there is a differences. Report text is used to describe things or persons objectively, while descriptive text is used to describe things or persons subjectively. 1. Generic Structure of Descriptive Here are the generic structures of descriptive text. a. Identification Identification is used to tell general information about something or someone. Identification can be used as an introduction in the text. b. Description Description is a detailed information had in the text. It can describe things that are not shown in the identification. 2. Language Feature of Descriptive As for the language features, here are the language features of descriptive text. a. Specific participant As the name stands, descriptive text is used to tell specific participant, like something or someone we know subjectively. b. Adjective Descriptive text uses adjectives because adjectives are used to describe nouns. c. Simple present tense Descriptive text describes general truth, at least in the writer’s perspectives. So, the writer uses simple present tense. d. Action verb Action verb is a verb is used to describe a specific action, like run, walk, jump, and many more. LISTENING Task 1 Listen to the text read by your teacher and then fill in the blank spaces with the appropriate words. My Favorite Football Player Hello, friends. My name is Pedro. I was born at Lisbon, March 6th 2007. This time, I will tell you about my … (1) player. He is a player that playes for Porto. His name is Otavio. His full name is Otavio Edmilson da Silva Monteiro. He is a Portuguese football player. He was born at February 9th 1995. He has played as an … (2) for Porto since 2014. During his … (3) in Porto, he has won three Premiera Liga titles, two Taca de Portugal titles, and two Supertacas Candido de Oliviera. Otavio was a Brazilian, but he has a dual citizenship when he was appointed as a Portuguese person. He chooses to … (4) Portugal National Team and plays seven Picture of Otavio Edmilson. times. His first club is Internacional, a club that plays in Brazil. Task 2 Write the definition of each word found in the text above. Write in your task book. Task 3 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What nationality is Otavio? 2. Mention Otavio’s physical characteristics. 3. Mention skills had by Otavio. 4. What kind of inspiration you can take from Otavio? SPEAKING Task 1 Practice the following dialog with your friend. Ihsan : Hi, Dana. What is your favorite sports player? Dana : Hi, Ihsan. My favorite sports player is Lionel Messi. Ihsan : Is he a football player from Argentina? Dana : Yes, He is. He comes from Rosario, Argentina. He was born at June 24th 1987. Ihsan : What club he is now? Dana : He is now a PSG player. Ihsan : Can you tell me about his younger times? Dana : Well, his first club is Grandoli. Then, he moved to Newell’s Old Boy. When he was playing there, he was spotted by Barcelona’s scout. So, he was transferred to Barcelona. Ihsan : Did he accomplish much in Barcelona? Dana : Yes, he did. He had won 10 La Liga Titles, 7 Copa Del Rey titles, 7 Supercopa de Espana ttitles, 4 UEFA Champions League titles, 3 UEFA Supercup Titles, and 3 FIFA Club World Cup Titles. Ihsan : Wow. What a great player he is. Dana : Yes, he is. Asides from his accomplishments in Barcelona, he has also had achievements on his own. He has won 7 Ballon D’Ors. Ihsan : Do you think he is the greatest player of all time? Dana : I think he is. Ihsan : What makes him the greatest player of all time? Dana : He is a wonderful player. He has a great dribble, shooting, and passing. He is also a kind player. He has done wonderful thing for the world. He has involved in many charitable activities, especially for poor children. Ihsan : He is such an inspiration for young people like us. Dana : Yes, he is. That’s why I idolize him. Task 2 Make a descriptive text about Lionel Messi based on the dialog in the previous task. Write in your task book. Task 3 State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialog above. Number Statements T/F 1. Lionel Messi is an Argentinian. 2. Lionel Messi’s first club is Newell’s Old Boy. 3. Lionel Messi’s strength is his dribble. 4. Lionel Messi has done many charitable activities. 5. Lionel Messi is an inspiration for young people. READING Task 1 Read the following text carefully. Chris John You cannot ignore Chris John from the discussion about Indonesian Boxing. That’s because he is one of the best boxers had by Indonesia. Chris John has a full name Yohannes Christian John was born at September 14th 1979. He is nicknamed The Dragon. He is the first Indonesian boxer that became a champion in Featherweight class. He is also one of the five Indonesian boxers that have tasted the world titles Picture of Chris John. besides Ellyas Pical, Nico Thomas, Ajib Albarado, and Suwito Lagola. Chris John is not a tall figure. His height is only 169 cm and his weight is 57 kg. That’s why he fought in the Featherweight class. However, his small stature has made him agile. His agility and his fast punches are his great assets in his near decade long reign in Featherweight class. He has won 48 times and lost only once. He said that his hard work and belief to God are things that make him become a world class champion. He said that people must have a “Never Give Up” attitude if they want to achieve something. However, that kind of attitude will not be complete without God’s help. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text about Chris John. 1. What is Chris John’s Nickname? 2. What is Chris John’s highest achievment? 3. What are Chris John’s greatest assests? 4. What are the secrets behind Chris John’s success? Task 3 Read the following text and then write the purpose of the text and the inspiration you can take from the player mentioned in the text below. My Favorite Football Player Hello, my friend. My name is Matias Wahyu Saputra. This time, I will tell you about the player that I idolize so much. His name is Luis Suarez. Luis Suarez is a Uruguayan professional Football player. He is now playing in Nacional, a club in Moteviedo, Uruguay. He is known for his playing time in Ajax, Liverpool, Barcelona, and Atletico Madrid. He has amassed 345 goals during his career time. Luis Suarez has a slightly tall body. His height is 182 cm. His body is muscular but not too fat. He has a thin beard, short hair, and big nose. He gains his muscular body after years of training and fighting against best defenders in the world. Picture of Luis Suarez. Luis Suarez will be the inspiration for me. Suarez’ was born in a poor family. He was so poor even he couldn’t afford to buy shoes. However, he never gave up. He kept playing. For him, every obstacle is a challenge that must be surpassed. He has taught me that determination and believing in yourself are keys to become a successful person. WRITING Task 1 Look at the following main ideas. 1. Angel Di Maria’s Personal Identities. 2. Angel Di Maria’s Physical Appearances. 3. Angel Di Maria’s Strengths and Weaknesses. 4. The Inspiration the writer can take from Angel Di Maria’s story. Make a descriptive text based on the main ideas shown above. Develop those ideas as you want. Write each paragraph in the task book. Task 2 Fill in the blank spaces based on the words provided in the bracket below. Alexis Sanchez Hello, my friends. My name is Ahsan Putra Nugraha. I am a student at SMA Bina Marga Surakarta. I am Arsenal Fans. The reason why I love Arsenal is Alexis Sanchez. For you who haven’t known Alexis Sanchez, he is a football player that comes from Chile. Well, he has … (1) Arsenal and is now joining Marseille. However, I still … (2) him and think that he is one of the best players in Arsenal. Alexis Sanchez’ full name is Alexis Alejandro Sanchez. He is a Chilean. He was born at Tocopilla, Chile at December 19th 1988. It means that he has been thirty four years old. He Picture of Alexis Sanches. has …(3) for numerous teams including Udinese, Barcelona, Arsenal, Manchester United, Inter Milan, and Marseille, his last club. His football position is forward. He is nicknamed as “El Nino Maravila” or the … (4) child because he has shown his wonderful skills since he was a kid. Though he is not as tall as other players, he has a great … (5), body balance and tenacity. He is also capable of passing two or three people with his dribbling ability. That’s why many great clubs are looking for his … (6). The reason why I idolize Alexis Sanchez is not solely based on his skills. His past times, especially childhood times, have also inspired me. He was raised by his mother. a. idolize c. pace e. played g. childhood b. wonder d. service f. left h. hone Task 3 Write eight adjectives that describe about Alexis Sanchez. Write in your task book. GRAMMAR Task 1 Look at the following material and then learn it carefully. Simple Present Tense Descriptive text is one of the texts that uses simple present tense. So, what is simple present tense and why is it important? Simple present tense is a tense we use to tell about habits, general truth, and things we consider general. Simple present tense has simple formulas. Here are the formulas of simple present tense. 1. Positive Sentence For they, we, I, and you = S+V0+O Example: I go to school everyday. For he, she, and it = S + V+s/es + O Exaple: He goes to school everyday. 2. Negative Sentence For they, we, I, and you = S + don’t + V0 + O Example: I don’t go to school everyday. For he, she, and it = S + doesn’t + V0 + O Example: He doesn’t go to school everyday. 3. Interrogative Sentence For they, we, I and you = Do + S + V0 + O Example: Do you go to school everyday? For he, she, and it = Does + S + V0 + O Exaple: Does he go to school everyday? Task 2 Look at the following text and then fill in the blanks with the correct simple present tense verbs. My Favorite Activities Hello, my friends. (1) … (football) me tell you about my favorite actviities. They (2) … (be) football and tennis. I usually (3) … (play) football with my friends after school. We often (4) … (play) together in the school yard. I have a friend. His name is Yandi. He (5) … (be) the best football player in our team. He (6) … (have) many skills, like dribbling, shooting, and passing. When Yandi is playing, we (7) … (feel) as if we have won the game. Picture of a children are playing football. Task 3 State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the text above. Number Statements T/F 1. The writer likes four sports. 2. The writer doesn’t want to be a proferssional tennis player. 3. Yandi is the best football player in the writer’s club. 4. The writer feels confident when Yandi is playing. 5. The writer’s father is a former professional football player. Task 4 Search five positive simple present tense sentences in the text above. Then, change them into negative and interrogative simple present tense sentences. Write them in the blanks below. 1. (+) ………………………………………. (-) ………………………………………. (?) ………………………………………. 2. (+) ………………………………………. (-) ………………………………………. (?) ………………………………………. 3. (+) ………………………………………. (-) ………………………………………. (?) ………………………………………. 4. (+) ………………………………………. (-) ………………………………………. (?) ………………………………………. 5. (+) ………………………………………. (-) ………………………………………. (?) ………………………………………. VOCABULARIES Write the names of the following sports player and write three physical appearances had by each player. 1. Player’s name: Physical appearances: a. ……………………………………… b. ……………………………………… c. ……………………………………… 2. Player’s name: Physical appearances: a. ……………………………………… b. ……………………………………… c. ……………………………………… 3. Player’s name: Physical appearances: a. ……………………………………… b. ……………………………………… c. ……………………………………… Answer the following questions with the correct answer. Read the following dialog and then answer the questions. Questions: 1. What is Haris doing? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 2. What does Maulana think about Mohhamed Salah? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 3. What club is Mohhamed Salah playing now? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 4. Why does Haris disagree with Maulana? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 5. What are Mohammed Salah’s assets? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... Do the following task with your group. Dicuss with your friend about the favorite athlet and make a video dialog about the favorite athlets you and your friend. Submit to your teacher. I. Choose by crossing (×) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the most correct answer. The text is for questions number 1 to 5. 1. What kind of sport liked by the writer? a. Fencing. b. Football. c. Handall. d. Badminton. e. Tennis. 2. What nationality is Eugenie Bouchard? a. English. b. American. c. Canadian. d. Scottish. e. Irish. 3. Look at the facts below. (1) She is proficient in math. (2) She is a good tennis player. (3) She has a long hair. (4) She is a lazy player. (5) No one wants to befriend Eugenie Bouchard. The facts about by Eugenie Bouchard based on the text above are shown by the number .... a. (1), (2), and (3) b. (1), (3), and (4) c. (1), (4), and (5) d. (2), (3), and (4) e. (3), (4), and (5) 4. Why does the writer idolize Eugenie Bouchard? a. She has a powerful shot. b. She is beautiful and intelligent. c. She has a combination of rebellion and intelligence. d. She is endorsed by many brands. e. She is the ambassador of peace movement. 5. She is not only good at sports as she also has a proficiency in Math and Science. The underlined word above has the same meaning with …. a. discombobulated b. dumbfounded c. flabbergasted d. expertise e. willingness The following text for questions number 6 to 9. 6. Who is the Valentino Rossi? a. Rider MotoGP. b. Football player. c. Driver F1. d. Badminton athlet. e. Vollyball athlet. 7. Valentino Rossi is considered to be the greatest and one of the most successful motorcycle racers of all time. How many tittle he was won? a. Five. b. Eight. c. Seven. d. Ten. e. Four. 8. Look at the following statements. (1) He move to primer class in 2000. (2) His father not a MotoGP rider. (3) He won back-to-back with Honda. (4) He win primer class with Ducati. The true statement about Valentino Rossi are shown by the numbers …. a. (1) and (2) d. (2) and (3) b. (1) and (3) e. (3) and (4) c. (1) and (4) 9. “continued his streak of back-to-back championships by winning the 2004 and 2005 titles ….”The underline sentences mean …. a. win the competition at least 2 winning b. win the competition different years c. success in game competition d. reach the world championsip tittle e. break the record of the world champion tittle 10. Look at the following characteristics. (1) Determination. (2) Diligence. (3) Talent. (4) Laziness. (5) Reluctance. The characteristics must be had if you want to be a successful player are shown by the number …. a. (1), (2), and (3) b. (1), (3), and (4) c. (1), (4), and (5) d. (2), (3), and (4) e. (3), (4), and (5) II. Answer the questions below with the correct answer. Read the following dialog and then answer the questions. Questions: 1. What will Ihsan do to Fuad? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. What is Fuad’s favorite sports player? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. What kind of company had by Flamini? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. What is Levulinic Acid? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. What is the inspiration we can take from Mathieu Flamini? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Answer the following text correctly. Questions: 1. What is Marc Marquez? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 2. How many victories he had in 2015? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 3. What happen about Marc Marquez in 2016? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 4. When Marc Marquez reach his fourth MotoGP world championship? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 5. What the record that Marc Marquez reach in age 24? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... Do the following task. Do analysis and identify about Indonesian athlets in internet. Make some summarize and describe their achivement in a simple paragraph. Write it in a piece of paper. The picture is watching sport event in stadium. This activities is do by fans to support their favorite team or athlete. Recount text is a text used to retell past experiences. Watching sport event is kind of past experiences that we can write in recount text. Recount text is made according to actual events. Let’s learn about recount text in this chapter carefully. Picture of watching sport events Source: youll-never-walk-alone-menggema-di- stadion-manahan-1337495. Recount Text about Attending Sport Events Recount text is a text used to retell past experiences. Some people say that recount text is almost similar to narrative text. However, there is a slight difference between recount and narrative text. Recount text is made according to actual events while narrative text is made according to past unreal events. 1. Generic Structures Here are the generic structures of recount text. a. Orientation Orientation serves as an introduction to the text. It gives an opening of the text. b. Events Events are experiences had by the writer. You can write your experiences in any paragraph you want. c. Re-orientation Re orientation serves as the closing of the text. It concludes the writer’s experience in the form of commentary or other forms. 2. Language Features As for the language features, here are the language features of recount text. a. Using simple past tense. b. Using temporal sequence. c. Having a specific participant. d. Using conjunctions. e. Using action verbs. Here is the example of recount text. LISTENING Task 1 Listen to your teacher read the following text and then fill in the blank spaces with the correct words. Task 2 Write the main idea of each paragraph in the text above. Write down it in your task book. Task 3 Write the definition of each word based on the blanked words in the text Task 1. Do it in your task book. SPEAKING Task 1 Practice the following dialog with your classmate. Hello, Hamdan. How is your day? Hello, Hisyam. I am so happy. Let me guess. Did Liverpool win against Manchester City last night? Yes, i t did. That win is important for Liverpool since they have been in a bad performances this season. Who was the goal scorer? The goal scorer was Mohammed Salah. The goal was beautiful. Could you describe me about the goal? Of course. It was from Alisson who sent a long pass to Mohammad Salah. Salah was marked by Joao Cancelo. However, he received the ball and turned 360 degrees at the same time. He passed Cancelo and scored the goal. Task 2 State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialog Task 1. Number Statements T/F 1. Hamdan and Hisyam are brothers. 2. Hamdan’s favorite team is Liverpool. 3. Liverpool won against Manchester City. 4. The star of the game yesterday was Mohammad Salah. 5. The assist provided for Mohammad Salah was Alisson. Task 3 Practice the following dialog with your friend. Pay attention to the use of simple past tense. READING Task 1 Read the following text carefully. Task 2 Make five dialogs based on the text above. Then, ask your friend to practice the dialog. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Task 3 Read the following text carefully. My Experience Watching NBA Match Hello, my friend. My name is Tobias. If you ask people who know me, they will say that I am a basketball lover. Well, they are not wrong. Basketball has been the most important thing in my life since I was child. Why is that? Well, that’s because Chicago Bulls. It was June 13th 1997. I was five years old at that time. Me and my father went to United Cente, Chicago. We went there to see the sixth game of NBA Finals between Utah Jazz and Chicago Bulls. Chicago people were in a high spirits. However, they received a little bit of bad news. Their hero, Michael Jordan, hadn’t fully recovered from his illness. However, this news couldn’t stop Picture of Chicago Vs Utah 1997. Chicago fans from optimism. They knew that Chicago was filled with talented players like Scottie Pippen, Steve Kerr, Dennis Rodman and many more. However, people could not hide their excitement when they saw Jordan. Jordan said that he was much better at that time. The game started. Chicago struggled at the first half. They just scored 37 points. The fans were worried. They wanted Chicago Bulls to seal the game in the sixth game. They hoped Chicago players did something. Then, Jordan scored a dunk. It gave Chicago fans a hope. Bulls then had their first lead in fourth quarter. Jordan extended Chicago’s lead to three points after he scored a fadeaway, However, Russel’s three point score tied the score into 86-86. The clock was ticking. Time was running out. Chicago Bulls must find a way to seal the game. After Shannon Anderson failed to score a lay up, Dennis Rodman grabbed the ball and called a time out. Then, the miracle happened. Jordan drew a double team, then passed the ball to Steve Kerr. He scored. The crowd went mad. Utah Jazz still searched for a hope. Bryon Russel gave an inbound pass to Shandon Anderson. But it was knocked by Scottie Pippen. Pippen passed the ball to Toni Kukoc. Toni Kukoc gave another points for Chicago Bulls! It was the final 2 points of the game. The crowds was roaring. They were relieved and excited. The game ended with 86-90 for Chicago Bulls. It was a memorable experience. I saw many expressions poured by fans, from pessimism, worry until excitement. I also heard a thundering roar shouted by all fans. It was a mesmerizing experience. Human senses experience in the text: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WRITING Task 1 Look at the following main ideas. 1. The writer shares his unforgettable moment when he watched London Olympics 2012. 2. The writer entered the stadium with his friends. 3. The writer gave a detailed information about the situation inside the stadium and how it affected his feelings and senses. 4. The writer met a woman who represented England in 1938 Olympics and how he respected that woman and her achievements in 1938 Olympics. 5. The reorientation tells about the writer’s feelings and how the Olympics gave him a valuable lesson. Now, make a recount text about the main ideas above. Develop those ideas in the your book. Task 2 Look at the following pictures. (Football Match) (Javelin throw match) What human senses can be entertained by the games above? Why? Write your answers here: Task 3 Watch a football match in television or internet. Then, write five interesting events in that match. Attach the photo in the box below. Then, write the events in the blanks below. Attach the photo here Events during the match: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Now, develop the events into the recount text that consists of two paragraphs. Write in the box provided below. Task 4 Develop the following ideas. Orientation Hello, my name is .... This time I will tell you about my unforgettable moment in watching volleyball match ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Events 1 One day, there was a volleyball match between my village with our rival village. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Events 2 The game was about to end. However, there was a miracle happening. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Reorientation At the end, our village can turn the table and won the game. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Task 5 Complete the following text with the correct answer in the box. GRAMMAR Task 1 Look at the following material and then study it carefully. Recount text is a text used to tell past events. So, we can conclude that recount text uses past tenses. There are three kinds of past tenses. They are simple past tense, past continuous tense, and past perfect tense. 1. Simple Past Tense Simple past tense is used to show actions that are happened in the past. There are specific time signals in simple past tense, such as yesterday, last, ago. Here are the formula of simple past tense. a. Positive: Example: She went to the bookstore yesterday. b. Negative: Example: She didn’t go to school yesterday. c. Interrogative: Example: Did she go to school everyday? 2. Past Continuous Tense Past continuous tense is used in the following situations: a. Something that happens after and before another actions in the past. b. Something that happens before or after a specific of time. c. Something that is happening in the middle of something in the past. Here are the formulas of past continuous tense. a. Positive: Example: They were studying English. b. Negative: Example: They weren’t studying English. c. Interrogative: Example: Were they studying English? Note: - We use was for subject : he, she, and it - We use were for subject : they, we, I, and you 3. Past Perfect Tense Past perfect tense is used for things that happened earlier or after other actions in the past. Past perfect tense has several signal words, like before, after, when, and until. Here are the formula of past perfect tense: a. Positive: Example: I had come here before you came. b. Negative: Example: I hadn’t come here before you came. c. Interrogative: Example: Had you come here before I came? Task 2 Complete the following text. Use simple past tense, past continuous on past perfect tense. When I (1) … (be) seven years old, I (2) … (watch) football with my friends. The match (3) … (be) held in the football court near my house. Before I (4) … (go) to the game, I (5) … (prepare) everything. from the banner and jersey. When I (6) … (enter) the stadium, There (7) … (be) many people that (8) … (give) their support to their teams. I (9) … (sit) at the front row with my friends. The players (10) … (train) when someone touched my shoulder. It (11) … (turn) out to be my bestfriend, Jamie. He (12) … (watch) the game with his family. Picture of football match. VOCABULARIES Attach the picture of five mascots of Olympics in the boxes below. Then, give the name to each mascot. 1. Name of mascot : …. 2. Name of mascot : …. 3. Name of mascot : …. 4. Name of mascot : …. 5. Name of mascot : … Answer the following questions with the correct answer. Qustions: 1. What are they talking about? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. What was the situation inside the stadium? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. What kind of feeling had by Budi yesterday? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. What kind of club supported by Fahri? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. Who scored the goals in yesterday’s match? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Do the following task in group. With your friends make a simple dialog about experience watching sport event in your school. Presentation the dialog in front of class. I. Choose by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in the most correct answer. The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. 1. What is the purpose of the text above? a. To retell past experiences. b. To amuse the readers. c. To promote a certain match. d. To invite people to come to the match. e. To tell people how to enter the stadium. 2. With whom did the writer go to the match? a. His brother. d. His father. b. His mother. e. His sister. c. His cousin. 3. Look at the following sentences. (1) The crowd was wild. (2) The writer went there by motorcycle. (3) The writer didn’t want to go to the match. (4) The writer went to the match alone. The true statements based on the text above are shown by the numbers …. a. (3) and (4) d. (1) and (2) b. (1) and (3) e. (4) c. (2) and (4) 4. What kind of feeling when the writer was watching the match? a. Happy. b. Bored. c. Amazed. d. Sad. e. Angry. 5. What kind of tense used in the text above? a. Simple present tense. b. Simple past tense. c. Future tense. d. Present perfect tense. e. Future continuous tense. The following dialog is for questions number 6 to 10. 6. What was Ihsan feeling right now? a. Sad. d. Afraid. b. Happy. e. None of them are true. c. Angry. 7. What kind of game watched by Ihsan last night? a. Softball. d. Baseball. b. Tennis. e. Football. c. Badminton. 8. What was the game according to Ihsan? a. It was intense. b. It was bad. c. It was ordinary. d. It was good. e. It was boring. 9. Who is Erik Ten Haag? a. Manchester United’s player. b. Manchester United’s coach. c. Manchester United’s owner. d. Manchester United’s Director of Sport. e. Manchester United’s defender. 10. When did the match happen? a. Yesterday. d. Three days ago. b. Today. e. A week ago. c. Later. II. Answer the questions below with the correct answer. The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. Questions: 1. What kind of experience had by the writer? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. What match described in the text above? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. What is the suitable title based on the text above? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. What does paragraph 2 tell us about? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. Why does the writer write the text above? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Answer the following questions correctly. Questions: 1. Who is the writer? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 2. What the writer play in the match? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 3. When the macth started? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 4. Why the writer feel tired? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 5. Did the writer’s team win the game? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... Do the following task. Do observing in your school about the sport event that held on your school. Write it in recount text. And write it in piece of paper. I. Choose by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in the most correct answer. The following dialog is for questions number 1 and 2. 2. What body does he look like? a. He has fat body. b. He has slim body. c. He has short and thin body. d. He has short and slim body. e. He has tall and strong body. The following dialog is for questions number 3 to 5. 1. What can we infer about the dialog above? a. Both Ryan and Kevin idol Son Heung Min. b. Ryan knows about Son Heung Min’s appearances. c. Son Heung Min is a midfielder player. d. Son Heung Min’s heading ability is so poor. e. Son Heung Min has short black hair and slanted black eyes. 3. What does his hair look like? a. He has bald hair. b. He has short brown hair. c. He has short black hair. d. He has long black hair. e. He has long brown hair. 4. What body does he have? a. He has fat body. b. He has slim body. c. He has short and thin body. d. He has short and slim body. e. He has average body. 5. What achievement did Ginting get? a. He won the bronze medal at 2018 Asian Games. b. He won the silver medal at 2018 Asian Games. c. He won the gold medal at 2018 Asian Games. d. He won the bronze medal at the 2020 Olympics in the men’s single event. e. He won the gold medal at the 2020 Olympics in the men’s single event. The following text is for questions number 6 and 7. (3) Michael Phelps has won more than twenty gold medals. (4) Michael Phelps competed in his first Olympics when he was seventeen years old. (5) Michael Phelps was the first American male swimmer to earn a spot on five Olympic teams. The correct statements based on the text are shown by the number .... a. (1) and (2) b. (1) and (3) c. (2) and (3) d. (3) and (4) e. (3) and (5) The following information is for question number 8 and 9. 6. What does Michael Phelps look like? a. He looks short and fat. b. He looks slim and thin. c. He looks tall and weak. d. He looks tall and strong. e. He looks tall and fat. 7. Pay attention to the following statements. (1) Michael Fred Phelps’ father is a teacher. (2) Michael Fred Phelps’ mother is an athlete. 8. What can you describe about his appearance? a. Usain Bolt is not tall but strong. b. Usain Bolt is short and weak. c. Usain Bolt is tall and strong d. Usain Bolt is so slim and thin. e. Usain Bolt is slim but strong. 9. What can we infer about the information above? a. Usain Bolt’s nationality is America. b. Usain Bolt is 186 cm tall and 84 kilogram weight. c. Usain Bolt did not get medal on Olympic game in 2013. d. Usain Bolt’s world record for 200 m happened on August 2009. e. Usain Bolt won three times of Olympic gold medals in 100 m category. The following information is for question number 10. 10. Pay attention to the following statements. (1) He has won many trophies so far. (2) Mohammad Salah is a basketball player. (3) Mohammad Salah play for Liverpool FC England. (4) He has shooting accuracy more than seventy percent. (5) He has played football for the club 227 appearances and scored 75 goals. The correct statements based on the text are shown by the number .... a. (1) and (3) b. (1) and (4) c. (2) and (5) d. (2) and (5) e. (3) and (5) The following text is for questions number 11 and 12. 11. How many times has Valentino Rossi won world champion grandprix? a. Seven times. b. Eight times. c. Nine times. d. Ten times. e. Eleven times. 12. Pay attention to the following statements. (1) Valentino Rossi has short body. (2) Valentino Rossi is Italian. (3) Valentino Rossi has has tall and strong body. (4) Valentino Rossi has long black hair. (6) Valentino Rossi has ten grandprix world championships to his name (5) Valentino Rossi holds the record of most premier class victories, with ninety eight victories to his name. The correct accepting offering help expressions are shown by the number .... a. (1), (2) and (3) b. (1), (3) and (4) c. (2), (3) and (4) d. (3), (4) and (5) e. (4), (5) and (6) The following dialog is for number 13 to 16. 13. Where did Andi watch the event? a. Television. d. In the field. b. Internet. e. In the stadium. c. Movie. 14. What kind of record did the contestant break? a. The best technique of wall climbers. b. The fastest individual wall climbers. c. The fastest group wall climbers. d. The fastest male wall climbers. e. The fastest female wall climbers. 15. The contestant who broke the world record of event came from .... a. Indonesia d. Japan b. Malaysia e. Australia c. Singapore 16. How many second was the record? a. Six seconds. b. Seven seconds. c. Eight seconds. d. Nine seconds. e. seventeen seconds. The following dialog is for number 17 to 20. 17. What kind of sport did Tyo watch on television? a. Badminton. b. Basketball. c. Volleyball. d. Futsal. e. football. 18. What team played so attractive? a. Five Star FC. b. Galaxy FC. c. Five Star FC and Galaxy FC. d. Both of team did not play attractive. e. Both of team played so tricky. 19. Who won the match last Sunday? a. Five Star FC. b. Galaxy FC. c. Seven Star FC d. There was no winner. e. The match was delayed 20. What did Tyo feel about the result of the match? a. Happy. b. Disappointed. c. Contented. d. Joyful. e. Cheerful. II. Answer the following questions correctly. Read the following text and answer the questions for number 1 to 5. Questions: 1. What is the text about? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 2. What nationality does he come from? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 3. What does his hair look like? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 4. How many sister does he have? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 5. How many brother does he have? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... Read the following dialog and answer the questions for number 6 to 10. Questions: 6. Where did Bayu and his brother go last week? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 7. What game did they watch? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 8. How was the game match? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 9. Who won the game and How as the score? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... 10. What did Bayu and his brother feel after the game? Answer: ............................................................................................................................... Picture of running. Source: fitness/g33655800/benefits-of-running/. Tips to Be a Healthy Person This time, we will learn about tips on how to be a healthy person through physical exercises. Before going to the example of tips, let me ask you a question. What is tips? Tips is the text used to give suggestions on how to do something more effectively. Tips is used for people who don’t know how to do a certain thing effectively. So, let’s take a look at the example of tips below. LISTENING Task 1 Listen to the text read by teacher then fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Ways to Shape Our Biceps and Triceps Having a big and … (1) arms can improve our confidence. Arm muscle can make us look more athletic. That’s why arms trainings become one of the most favorite trainings done by people. There are two kinds of arms …(2) trained by people. They are bicep and tricep. Here are ways we can do to train our bicep and triceps muscle. 1. Concentration Curl The first way to shape our bicep and triceps are by Picture of bicep and triceps. doing concentration curl. Before doing a training, we must find a ….(3) seat to do this training. Here are ways to do concentration curl. a. Sit at the edge of the seat. Our feet are in the V shape. b. Hold … (4) with one hand and rest our elbow on our thigh. c. …(5) our body a little bit front. d. Pull the dumbbell close to the shoulder and hold for seconds. e. Lower the dumbbell slowly and repeat 12–15 times. Change into the other hand. f. Try not to move your body during the training. 2. Hammer Curls The second way to shape bicep and triceps are doing hammer curls. Here are ways to do hammer curls. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text. 1. What kind of benefit we can get if we have big arm muscles? 2. How many trainings described in the text? 3. What kind of shape must we form for our feet if we want to do concentration curl? 4. Where must we rest our elbow when we do concentration curl? 5. What is the benefit of the text to the readers? SPEAKING Task 1 Practice the dialog with your friend. Hi, Dino. Why do you look so tired? I am fed up with my jobs. My job pressures are uncontrollable. Have you discussed that problem with your workmates? Yes, I have. They also have the same problem like me. I don’t know what to do. My job is slowly destroying me. Have you talked your problem to a psychologist? No, I haven’t. I am afraid that it will increase my anxiety. You must try it. Don’t push yourself too hard. Talk about your problem to the expert. I guess you’re right. I’ll come to the psychologist tomorrow. Task 2 Practice the following dialog with your friend fluently. READING Task 1 Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What is the function of serotonin? 2. Why can exercise routinely boost the serotonin? 3. When is cortisol released in our body? 4. What is the function massage? 5. What kind of benefit we can get from ourselves? WRITING Task 1 Look at the following picture. The man is sitting in front of his laptop all day because that’s part of his job. It must be detrimental to his health. Mention risks can happen to that man if he sits in front of the laptop all day and give tips to prevent those risks. Write in the boxes below. Task 2 Give three tips based on the following problems. Write them on a piece of paper. 1. (How to alleviate our fatigued body) 2. (How to increase my speed in running) Task 3 Fill in the blank spaces with the words provided in the bracket below. 1. Pull and straighten your feet Start from a simple exercise to strengthen your front … (3). This exercise is intended to decrease the pressure on the knee. How do we do that exercise? First, lie down on your back and bend one of your knees. Place your …(4) on the floor. Then, lift your other knee and keep that knee in a straight position. Do this 10–15 times for three set. 2. Do Hamstring Curls Hamstring is a muscle located at the back of your thigh. Hamstring curl exercise can also strengthen your knee … (5). Here are the ways to do it, lift your feet slowly and take your hell to your … (6). Then, hold that position for several seconds. Do that exercise 15 times for three sets. 3. Doing Hip Abduction Picture of knee ligament. Lie your body … (7). Place your injured feet on top of your body. Straighten your upper foot and lift until you reach 45 degrees angle. Straighten your knees. Hold that position for five minutes. Then, … (8) your foot slowly and take a rest for two minutes. Do that exercise 20 times for 3 set. • sole • exercise • ligament • lower • strengthen • thigh • buttocks • sideways Task 4 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What part of body discussed in the text above? 2. What can help our ligament back to its normal condition? 3. Where must we place our sole in pulling and straightening feet exercise? 4. What position must we have if we want to have a hip abduction exercise? 5. Where is the location of hamstring? GRAMMAR Task 1 Read the following material and then study it carefully. Task 2 Look activities below. Write steps of each activity by using imperative sentences. Write them in your task book. 1. (Push up) 2. (Forward roll) 3. (Sit up) VOCABULARY Write five exercises you can do to strengthen your mental health. Then, write your most favorite exercise from those five exercises and tell the reason. Answer the following questions with the correct answer. Look at the following infographics and then answer the questions. Questions: 1. Mention trainings discussed in the infographic above. Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. What is the ideal time to do cardio exercise? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. Mention things we can use to d resistance training if we don’t want to go to the gym. Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. What is the focus of resistance training workout? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. What is the benefit of the infographic above? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Do the following task in group. Make an analysis of the relationship between work burnout with anxiety problem. Then, make a tips on how to avoid work burnout so we can avoid anxiety problem. Write on a piece of paper and then submit it to your teacher. Questions: 1. What should you do to reduce the risk of injury associated with pounding? And what is the best suggestion about the shoes to keep you running healthy, strong, and injury free? 2. According to the text above, what is the effect of Weak glute muscles? 3. What does the recovery process mean? What will happen if don’t let our body recover enough? I. Choose by crossing (x) the letter a, b, c, d, or e on the correct answer. The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. 1. What is the purpose of the text above? a. To tell people how to make a HIIT. b. To tell people how to make fat feet thinner. c. To amuse the reader. d. To give an importance in having a thin feet. e. To promote HIIT training. 2. Why does having a fat feet decrease our confidence? a. It makes our body doesn’t look proportional. b. It makes us hard to walk. c. It makes us look sick. d. It makes us depressed. e. It saddens us. 3. How many tips presented in the text above? a. 1. b. 2. c. 3. d. 4. e. 5. 4. Look at the following sports. (1) Running. (2) Swimming. (3) Jumping rope. (4) Playing soccer. (5) Playing volleyball. The examples of carfdio exercises are shown by the number …. a. (1), (2), and (3) b. (1), (3), and (4) c. (1), (4), and (5) d. (2), (3), and (4) e. (2), (4), and (5) 5. What kind of tense used in the text above? a. Simple present tense. b. Simple past tense. c. Past perfect tense. d. Present continuous tense. e. Past continuous tense. 6. It is hot inside. Please …. a. turn off the fan b. turn on the fan c. turn up the music d. turn down the volume e. turn up the volume 7. If you still don’t understand with the lesson, please .... a. raise your hand b. go away c. talk to your friend d. ask your friend e. come home The following infographic is for questions number 8 to 10. 8. What kind of exercise mentioned in the text above? a. Cooling down exercise. b. Strengthening exercise. c. Curling exercise. d. Bench press exercise. e. Cardio exercise. 9. Look at the following benefits. (1) Improved blood pressure. (2) Strengthening the muscle. (3) Improved brain function. (4) Making people sad. (5) Reducing the serotonin level. The benefits of cardio exercise based on the infographic above are shown by the number …. a. (1), (2), and (3) b. (1), (3), and (4) c. (2), (3), and (4) d. (2), (4), and (5) e. (3), (4), and (5) 10. What will the reader do after reading the infographic above? a. They will do cardio exercise. b. They will do nothing. c. They will never do cardio anymore. d. They will read and throw the infographic to the dustbin. e. None of them are true. II. Answer the questions below with the correct answer. The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. Questions: 1. Why is brain the most important part of our body? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. Mention foods that are rich in antioxidant. Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. What is omega-3? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. What is the function of omega-3? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. What are the functions of brain cortex? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Read the following text to answer the questions. Questions: 1. Why doing a soprt is difficult for some people? 2. Mention the benefit of doing sports. 3. How sport can reduce stress? 4. Can sport improve sleep quality? Why? 5. What is the function of the text above? Do the following task. Make a text about how to make your body still healthy in rainy season. Give tips and trick. Write in a piece of paper then make an infographic of it. Have you ever eating vegetable or fruit salad? It is one kind of healthy food. Do you know what is healthy food? Healthy food is food that gives you all the nutrients you need to stay healthy, feel well,and have flenty of energy. We need to eat a healthy food to keep our body healthy. In this chapter we are going to learn about healthy food and how to make a healthy food. So, Let’s learn it carefully. Picture of salad. Source: https://insanelygoodrecipes. com/salad-recipes/. Healthy Foods for your Healty Body This chapter will deal with healthy eating. We must apply healthy eating habits if we want to have a good health. Healthy eating means taking a notice of foods we are about to eat. We must think nutrition and substances had in the food. We prevent ourselves from getting diseases and bad health. So, here are tips we can apply to do healthy eating. LISTENING Task 1 Listen to the following text read by your teacher then fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. The Benefits of Peanuts for Our Body Peanuts are not only used for …(1) and staple foods. There are many benefits that are had by peanuts. Peanuts have many nutrition that are needed by our body. So, what are the ….(2) of eating peanuts? Look at the following explanations. 1. Lowering LDL Peanuts contains many unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are considered as “good” fats. By consuming peanuts, Picture of Peanuts we can lower our LDL or “bad” cholesterol inside our body. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What do people usually use peanuts for? 2. What does LDL stand for? 3. What is the function of Phytosterol to our body? 4. What is arginine? 5. What is the function of nitrate oxide to our bloodstream? Task 3 Make an infographic based on the text mentioned in Task 1. Make it in your task book. Task 4 Find the definition of the blanked words found in task 1. Write then in your task book. SPEAKING Task 1 Practice the following dialog with your classmate. Oh, dear. What did you do yesterday? I came home during raining time, but I forgot to bring my raincoat. What are you feeling besides fever? I am feeling that my head is dizzy. Let me take you to the school clinic. I will bring you foods, orange, and warm tea. What’s the orange for? Orange contains vitamin C. It can boost your immune system to fight your fever. Okay, I get it. Thanks for your help, Gita. Task 2 State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialog above. Number Statements T/F 1. Neira is feeling ill. 2. Neira came home without wearing a helmet. 3. Gita is a helpful person. 4. Gita recommended Neira to eat orange. 5. Orange is a fruit that contains vitamin A. Task 3 Practice the following dialog with your friend fluently. READING Task 1 Read the following text carefully. Foods that Can Reduce Cortisol Hormone Picture of healthy foods. A little amount of cortisol is needed for our metabolism, like changing sugar and as a fight or flight response. A high concentration of cortisol shows that our body is in the stress state. A high concentration of cortisol can be the cause of complications. So, it is a must for us to lower the amount of cortisol back to its normal state. Here are foods we can eat to lower the amount of cortisol in our body. 1. Pineapple Pineapple is a fruit that’s nutritious. It also contains high concentration of anti-oxidant. Asides from those nutrition, pineapple also has bromelin. Bromelin is useful to ease our digestive system. 2. Green Vegetables Green vegetables, like kale and spinach are useful to lower the cortisol. Kale and spinach have high concentration of vitamin C. A research shows that low magnesium is related to anxiety. Anxiety is the leading cause of high cortisol production. This problem can be solved by a bowl of spinach. A bowl of spinach provides 35 percent of our total magnesium intake. 3. Prebiotic and Probiotic Foods that are rich in probiotic and prebiotic have been proven to lower the amount of cortisol in our body. The examples of probiotic foods are yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. The examples of prebiotic foods are garlic, leeks, asparagus, apple, and banana. 4. Broccoli One cup of broccoli contains 125mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed to lower anxiety. Asides from vitamin C, broccoli also contains sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is an element that can fight cancer, icrease testosterone level and decrease fats in our body. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. What is the normal function of cortisol? 2. What is the indication of high cortisol in our body? 3. What is the function of bromelin for our body? 4. What foods that are included into the probiotic foods? 5. How many vitamin C is in one cup of broccoli? WRITING Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the words provided in the box below. • Unfortunately • Slice • enjoying • nutrition • soak • temperature • cut • correct Task 2 Make an infographic about the text in task 1. Make it in your task book. Task 3 Write steps in making the following foods. 1. (Salad) 2. (Carrot Soup) 3. (Lemon Chicken) Task 4 Write a simple procedure text on how to eat or drink healthily. Write in the task book. Then, analyze its generic structure of the text by completing the table. Present it to your classmate or in front of the class aloud. Title Goal/ Purpose Tips/ Steps 1. 2. (continue adding more steps as you need) GRAMMAR Task 1 Read the following material then study it carefully. Should, Ought to, and Had Better There are three kinds of expression we can use to give a suggestion, they are. 1. should, 2. ought to, 3. had better, Should and ought to have a similar meaning. However, should is more commonly used than ought to. Should and ought to are used to give a suggestions that are optional. Here are the examples. 1. You should go home now. 2. They ought to borrow Mr. Ahmad’s money. Had better is used to give a stronger effect. It means that there will be a possible negative consequences if someone doesn’t do the suggestion. Example: You had better take an umbrella. It will be rain. Here are the formulas of each modal verb. 1. Should Positive: S + Should + Verb 0 Negative: S + Should + Not + Verb 0 Interrogative: Should + S + Verb 0 2. Ought to Positive: S+ Ought to + Verb 0 Negative: S + Ought not to + Not + Verb 0 3. Had better Positive : S + Had Better + Verb 0 Negative : S + Had not better + Verb 0 Task 2 Make three sentences using should, ought to, and had better. The sentences must be about how to eat healthy foods. Write in the task book. VOCABULARY Write your breakfast menu in a week. Then, analyze which breakfast is not good for your health. Do the following task individually. Questions: 1. Why does eating fast food have a detrimental effect for our body? 2. Why are whole seeds healthier than processed seeds? 3. Mention diseases can be reduced if we eat whole seeds foods. 4. What kind of fast food we can use by whole wheat bread? 5. What is the benefit of the text above? Do the following task in group. Interview your five friends based on the following questions. 1. How often do you eat fast food? 2. What kind of bad effect you have when you eat too much fast food? 3. What kind of healthy foods do you like? 4. Do you like eating vegetables? Why? 5. What is the role of vegetables in our body? Record the interview in the form of video. Then, submit to your teacher. I. Choose by crossing (x) on the letter a, b, c, d, or e on the correct answer. The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. 3. Look at the following characteristics. (1) Foods that contain preservatives. (2) Foods that contain colorings. (3) Foods that contain flavorings. (4) Foods that contain fiber. (5) Foods that contain balanced nutrition. Things that we must avoid in choosing foods are shown by the number …. a. (3), (4), and (5) b. (1), (3), and (4) c. (1), (4), and (5) d. (2), (4), and (5) e. (1), (2), and (3) 4. What kind of tense used in the text above? a. Simple past tense. b. Simple present tense. c. Present perfect tense. d. Past perfect tense. e. Present continuous tense. 5. “Fiber is one of the nutrition that are needed by our body.” The underlined word above refers to …. 1. What is the purpose of the text above? a. Giving people tips on how to choose a healthy foods. b. Telling people how to make a healthy foods. c. Amusing the readers. d. Retelling the past experiences. e. Promoting healthy foods. 2. Look at the following elements. (1) Protein. (3) Saturated fat. (2) Fibers. (4) Saturated cholesterol. Elements that are good for our body shown by the number …. a. (1) and (5) d. (1) and (2) b. (1) and (3) e. (2) and (5) c. (1) and (4) a. writers b. readers c. people d. animals e. none of them are true 6. Amir : I am not feeling well today. Indah : You … eat oranges. It contains many vitamin C. a. should d. am b. had e. can c. will 7. Indah : What … I choose, this vegetarian burger or this ordinary burger? Fahri : I don’t know. Choose what you want to eat. a. had d. am b. should e. can c. will 8. Here is a food that contain vitamin A .... a. mackarel b. orange c. cucumber d. peanut e. chocolate 9. Here is a food that contain many vitamin C …. a. milkfish d. catfish b. peanut e. paprika c. salmon 10. We … go now, or else we won’t get the train. a. is d. had better b. should e. am c. ought to II. Answer the questions below with the correct answer. Questions: 1. What is the name of the text above? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. Where can we find fibers? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. Mention one processed food that probably has a fiber. Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. Why must we read the nutritional value in a processed food? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. Who is the target reader of the text above? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Read the following text and answer the questions. 1. Eat Real Food, Not Processed Food It is best to eat foods in their natural state. Forget foods that are processed in a factory. Some examples of processed foods are convenience snack (potato chips, baked crisps, etc.), white bread (bread is not supposed to be white in color), cereals, canned vegetables, canned meats, canned fruit, granola bars, candy bars, white sugar, beef jerky, soda, sports drinks, packaged cookies, frozen dinners, canned soups, etc. Processed foodshave been greatly modified and contain a lot of ingredients that do not exist in the food naturally. 2. Eat a Variety of Different Foods Each type of food ingredient that exists in nature has its nutritional makeup. When we eat different types of foods, we are more likely to get all the nutrients we need in order to be healthy. 3. Cook More Than Eating Out One of the best ways to eat healthier is to cook your own food. Besides saving a lot of money, you will also be able to control what goes into your food. You will not be using chemicals and other unhealthy additives. 4. Stop Eating Before You Are Full Instead of eating until you are completely full, stop eating before you feel completely satiated. It is OK (and healthy) to stop eating while you still have some room in your stomach. And do not forget, it takes a while for your stomach to send the message to your brain that you are full and have had enough to eat. 5. Eat at the Dining Table, Not in Your Car or at Your Desk Always try to eat at a proper dining table. Never eat in your car or at your desk. When you make a point to sit down at a table and focus on your meal, you will be less likely to eat unconsciously. And food that is served to you through a window is almost never healthy. Following this rule also reduces the chances of eating when you are bored. 6. Drink Water and Forget Everything Else Water is the healthiest drink on the Earth. Sodas, energy drink, and flavored drinks are the most unhealthy and they should be avoided at all costs. If you want to have a flavored drink, make lemonade using fresh lemons, or drink tea, or water flavored with fresh fruitand vegetables. Questions: 1. What benefit do we get if we eat a variety of different foods that exists in nature? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 2. Why should we cook our own food than we buy it outside? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 3. Why must you stop eating before you are full? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 4. What should we do if we want to have a flavored drink? Answer: .............................................................................................................................. 5. Mention some foods that are processed in a factory. Answer: .............................................................................................................................. Do the following task. Make an article about healthy foods that are actually bad for our body. You must add the reasons of it. Make in a piece of paper and collect to your teacher. I. Choose by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in the most correct answer. The following text is for questions number 1 to 5. 3. How many clubs have been joined by Zlatan? a. 10 d. 13 b. 11 e. 14 c. 12 4. What kind of personality had by Zlatan? a. Confident. b. Humble. c. Shy. d. Hot tempered. e. Good mannered. 5. “He also has a trademark beard” The underlined word above has the same meaning with …. a. enormous d. gigantic b. amazing e. tiny c. symbol The following text is for questions number 6 to 10. 1. Look at the following facts. (1) He comes from Sweden. (2) He is tall. (3) He has many acrobatic goals. (4) He doesn’t have tattoos. (5) He is a humble player. The facts of ZlatanIbrahimovic are shown by the number …. a. (2), (3), and (4) b. (1), (3), and (4) c. (1), (2), and (3) d. (3), (4), and (5) e. (4) and (5) 2. Zlatan’s physical appearance is described in paragraph …. a. 1 d. 4 b. 2 e. 5 c. 3 6. From the text above, we could know that …. a. the sibling relationship between the writer and his brother was strong b. the writer could do badminton better c. the writer didn’t like his brother d. the father didn’t ask the writer to see the badminton match e. none of them are true 7. What is the name of the text above? a. Narrative. d. Discussion. b. Recount. e. Advertisement. c. Exposition. 8. What kind of lesson had in the text above? a. We must love our father. b. We must always do exercise. c. We must give the best in every match. d. We must always support our family. e. All of the answers are true. 9. “It lifted my brother’s spirit.” The underlined word above refers to …. a. the second and third set b. the writer’s ignorance c. the match d. the first set e. the writer’s shout 10. “I reluctantly agreed to come with him.” The underlined word above has the same meaning with …. a. willingly d. excited b. unwillingly e. disappointed c. good hearted The following text is for questions number 11 to 15. 11. What is the benefit of having slim thighs? a. Making us thinner. b. More agile. c. Making us heavier. d. Making us stronger. e. Boosting the confidence. 12. How many sports we can do based on the text above? a. 1 d. 4 b. 2 e. 5 c. 3 13. Why does Jogging have many benefits for our thighs? a. Because it’s simple. b. Because it’s fun. c. Because it emphasizes the lower part of our body. d. Because everyone can do it. e. Because people don’t want to do it. 14. “Here are the ways you can do to do traditional squats.” The underlined word above refers to …. a. the writer b. the readers c. the writers and readers d. the magazine e. the sports 15. “Even if their whole body is slim, women often feel less confident if they have fat thigh.” The underlined word above has the same meaning with …. a. assured b. doubt c. excited d. dejected e. sad The following text is for questions number 16 to 20. 16. For who is the text intended to? a. Old people. b. All age. c. Children. d. Pregnant women. e. All answers are true. 17. What is the function of folate acid? a. Preventing babies from having spina bifida. b. Preventing pregnant women from having a constipation. c. Preventing sudden death infancy. d. Preventing pregnant women from nausea. e. All of the answers are false. 18. How many micrograms pregnant women need for folate acid? a. 100 micrograms. b. 200 micrograms. c. 300 micrograms. d. 400 micrograms. e. 500 micrograms. 19. How many micrograms had by one half cup of spinach? a. 300 micrograms. b. 200 micrograms. c. 100 micrograms. d. 400 micrograms. e. 500 micrograms. 20. What is the benefit of reading the text above? a. Pregnant women can know the foods that are rich in folate acid. b. Pregnant women will be afraid of being pregnant again. c. Pregnant women will do exercise. d. Pregnant women will eat fast food. e. All of the answers are true. II. Answer the following questions correctly. Questions: 1. Where does Javier Hernandez come from? Jawab: ................................................................................................................................ 2. Why he has nicknamed? Jawab: ................................................................................................................................ 3. What is poacher? Jawab: ................................................................................................................................ 4. What does paragraph 2 tell us about? Jawab: ................................................................................................................................ 5. What is the purpose of the text above? Jawab: ................................................................................................................................ 6. Why Javier Hernadez is called a not tall football player? Jawab:................................................................................................................................. 7. Where is the club that Javier Hernandez played? Jawab:................................................................................................................................. 8. What the meaning his nickname chicharito? Jawab:................................................................................................................................. 9. Why he remembered for his baby face? Jawab:................................................................................................................................. 10. What is his position in football? Jawab:................................................................................................................................. Alexander, L. G. 2013. Longman English Grammar. Revised Edition. UK: Pearson Education Ltd. Alhuda, Zin Giber. 2014. Top Focus TOEFL. Surabaya: Genta Group Production. Blanchard, Karen and Christine Root. 2013. Ready to Write, A First Composition Text. Revised Edition. London: Longman. Cain, Joyce S. 2012. Eye on Editing 1. Revised Edition. New York: Pearson Education. Cunningham, Sarah and Peter Moor. 2015. Cutting Edge Intermediate. Revised Edition. London: Addison Wesley Longman. Dykes, Barbara. 2017. Grammar for Everyone Practical Tools for Learning and Teaching Grammar. Revised Edition. Australia: ACER Press. Echols, John and Shadily Hasan. 2017. An English-Indonesian Dictionary. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Eudia, G. Pathway to English for Senior High School Student Class 10. Jakarta: Erlangga. Hornby, A.S. 2012. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Revised Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kirn, Elaine et al. 2012. Interactions 1: Grammar. Revised Edition. New York: Mc Graw Hill. Setiawan, O. 2016. English for SMA/MA/MAK 10. Bandung: Yrama Widya


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